As I was at dinner with my older brother michael. Calum his best freind,winks at me. I wink back. As Michael has nothing to wink at he looks at us. And says..."WTF"
"Calum!!!!!That's my little sister shes 17 take a break you sex crazed dick...."
It was kind of hard to take Michael seriously with his lavender hair...when Michael leaves to the bathroom, Calum and I go out to Michael's car. "Lila we need to tell him soon" Calum said putting his hands on my hips.
I put my hand on his neck and bring him closer. "I know, just not now" then lean in to the kiss.
By the time Michael starts out to the car...Calum is on top of me in the backseat of Michael's car and I feel something hard,
"Calum!!!!!!!!"Michael starts pounding on the window. Calum goes to unlock the door and then I realize he has got a fucking boner! Michael was gonna freak out!
When Michael opens the door his facial expression is shocked and kinda scared.
"Lila, Calum what are you doing, mostly you Caulm. She's MY little sister!"
As Calum struggles to explain all I can hear is Calum crying and Michael swearing.
I rest my head on Cal's chest and start crying. Michael looks over and realized what he was doing is wrong. He looks at me crying on Cal's chest and him kissing my head to get rid if bad thoughts.
And says "You guys are really in love aren't you? Whatever if you love him Lila, be with him I'm not stopping you."