Chapter one

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There were only a few members of the singu council that still dared to meet in public. The whole circle of the council would have been better, or at least more precise. 

"I had hoped we would have had more of our brethren here," the Elder admitted. "But this grave matter waits for no being." 

The gathered nodded their heads slightly in agreement. 

"What say ye brethren, make peace, or declare war?" The Eldest's voice rang out, giving a powerful echo. 



The youngest of the gathered looked uncomfortable.

"What have ye to say Garith? Do not tell me ye hesitate on account of ye small withering hope for love?" 

The young-one started remorsefully down, but agreed with his fellow brethren. "War."

"War," the Eldest finished. "Thus it is decided. Let us raise our voices, and declare upon the great heavens, our roar of victory!" 

The meeting ended with a great roar from the gathered.


Ambra stared with hate at the blank piece of paper in front oh her. Today was the deadline for her history project, and she didn't have the slightest idea what to do. In fact, she didn't want to do the dumb history project at all. She glanced out a window to see waves rippling along the shore. 

The beach was the only thing Ambra liked about her new home in California. She never tired of looking at, or being in the sea. In the month she had been here, the only soothing remedy she found was sitting on the beach, dipping her toes in the cool ripples of the sea. 

"George Washington was the first president, so that makes Lincoln the 10th president!" Blair shouted from the left of where Ambra was sitting. 

Ambra's wandering gaze caught her fellow classmate, Aiden's grimace that crossed his face as he hovered over his own piece of paper, and she immediately knew that Blair was wrong, as usual. At least she wasn't the only one who Blair was distracting. Blair, who was on straight study mode, could not be corrected, as she was to stubborn to believe she was anything but right. 

But apparently, her ignorance couldn't help the stream of gossip she shot at the new kid. ".....I heard that he was homeless, but no one told me that he was weird! I tried to give him a pencil when he asked for one, but he just took it, sharpened it, and gave it back!" 

Blair's pencil swept gracefully over the crisp white page she was writing on. Her long white sleeves billowed softly over the newly written words. Her fair blonde hair drifted everywhere. Ambra preferred plain tees to anything, which was a sharp contrast to what Blair wore, which often exaggerated a lot. She should have looked ridiculous in those long sleeves, but she didn't. Blair Clairson looked amazing in anything. 

Ambra sighed, and tried to rack her brain for just about any idea. She looked around the rectangular classroom, the younger kids had full tables, where they were working on what looked like some sort of project. The older kids got their own single desks, with a computer placed neatly in a corner of the desk. Which left the big middle for their teacher. Mrs. Michelle's light brown head was bent over a big book, which is where it would be found just about any day. Her teacher looked busy, so Ambra went back to staring blankly at that small, cursed paper. 

She was interrupted by a small speaking noise, coming from the corner of the classroom. It was the class' pet mice, Theo and Tuttles. Ambra liked the two mice more than she did a lot of her classmates. She wasn't exactly a social butterfly. For the semesters project, the class had taught the two mice to complete an obstacle course. 

Ambra was brought back into reality by Blair, who was now, very loudly, talking about the importance of George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. Ambra was quite annoyed by Blair, but on the other hand, at least Blair had a project. 

Ambra returned to watching the mice play in their cage, watching them press buzzers, and climb up and down their little ramps. She overheard Blair arguing with her partner, Becca, which wasn't surprising, Blair tended to always argue with someone over something, it was a miracle that Mrs. Michelle had let them work together. This was half the reason that Ambra had decided to work alone. 

Ambra's eyes then wandered to Aiden, who was also working alone, his paper was crammed with facts and writing, he was sure to get an A, for about the millionth time. She studied his long thin face, and his serious expression. Everything about Aiden was serious and point blank, from his plain brown hair to his plain grey shoes. 

"Hey, I've got an idea," Blair said suddenly. Ambra watched her, knowing all to well that look of boredness in her eyes, this was not going to be good.  

Ambra watched carefully as Blair walked over the the mouse cage, and turned a ramp upside down, causing a poor mouse to be flung upward, and end up hanging upside down. Ambra acted purely on instinct. She dashed forward, flung Blair out of the way, and repositioned theramp so that the mouse could safely scamper away. 

"You idiot!" Amber snapped. "You almost killed the poor thing!"

"I did not! What do you mean?" 

"What is going on here?" Mrs. Michelle hurried to the mouse cage, an annoyed expression tugging at her gorgeous features. At least Blair said she was gorgeous, but to Ambra everyone was pretty in their own way. But she definitely didn't look gorgeous now, she looked like an angry teacher. 

"I leave you kids alone for five minutes. Five minutes! Can't I have a little quality reading time before you guys get into a fight?" 

The little kids on the other side of the room stared. Mr. Bruno, their teacher, called their attention back to him. The teachers' "one-room classroom" could be pretty distracting, but on the other hand it was the best way to educate most of the children that lived in the tiny Californian town. 

"It was them." Blair's eyes filled with tears. "I was checking on the mice, and then she shoved me, and started insulting me, and..." 

Ambra rolled her eyes, what a drama queen.

"Quiet." Mrs. Michelle turned to Aiden, who happened to be near when it happened. "What happened?" 

"Blair turned the mouse ramp upside down, trapping a mouse, and Ambra saved the mouse, but she still did call Blair a less than desirable name," Aiden told her, his eyes boring into hers, just stating plain facts. 

"Thank you Aiden. I see," Mrs. Michelle sighed. "Blair, I'm disappointed in you, and Ambra please refrain from using bad launguage in my class." Mrs. Michelle rubbed her temples, and returned to her seat, and her book. 

"Thanks a lot you little snitch." Blair said, glaring at Ambra. "And next time nerd, stay out of it!" She growled at Aiden, who merely smirked at her in reply. 

Ambra simply stood up, grabbed her bag, and exited the classroom, not caring in the slightest that the school day wasn't over yet. 

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