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PENNY! you gasp, as he climbs on top of your body. Heat rushes through your veins and makes it up to your face, leaving you with one red face.

the adrenaline coursing through your veins is enough to pick up a car.

Pennywise slowly draws circles on your check with his clawed fingertips, before opening his mouth.

he takes your lip and bites it, the pleasure and pain taking over you. You want him, he wants you.

you grab his orange locks and tug him close to you. He slowly bites your cheek. you feel the cold blood run from your toren flesh. the sweet smell of metal. that beautiful color. so good.

penny, you moan. the flesh of your forearm tearing as you moan his name.

he slowly takes your arm and bites off your fingers, one by one. The pleasure fills your brain like it's in fire as he tears your flesh.

his mouth opens wide as he is about to rip your neck.

Oh, that beautiful smile. So hot.

his teeth sink into your peach colored neck as the blood furiously runs down your body. it soaks your clothing.

penny oh! You scream as the blood runs down.
it feels good. The cool sensation of wet blood running down.

the pleasure is screaming at you, like it sets your brain on fire with every bite.

His teeth, oh how good they feel. the sensation of flesh tearing while making a wet and crunchy noise.
you slowly fade out, softly whimpering, penny, as the pleasure takes you out.

the last thing you'll ever see is his beautiful smile, full of dark red teeth.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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