Angel numbers

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Angel numbers are the numbers you see very often for example seeing the number 119 everywhere you look. Maybe on the clock or maybe a price at the store. They say when certain numbers keep appearing in your life that means your guardian angel is trying to communicate with you to send you a message.
So for example angel number 119 means: Angel number 119 comes as a sign from your angels and the Ascended Masters that your time to shine is coming soon. You have been sending a great deal of positive energy out into the Universe for a long time.

Let's see what angel number 42 has in store for Chan and Felix.

Hiya!!! It's the author!!!! Sooooooo I have started this book because angel numbers have just always been something interesting and intriguing to me. Have I experienced it? Not that I know of, I haven't seen any numbers that keep appearing in my life continuously. Which leads me to think I have no guardian angel looking out for me which sucks, but it's fine!!! Or maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention!!!

N e ways moving on, if you guys keep seeing numbers appear in your life I'm going to leave the link to the website where I've been reading the numbers for the angel numbers!!!

Who knows if this story does well I may turn it into a series with all of stray kids (yes even woojin!!!)

Hope you guys like this story!!! Forever and always 💛🐻

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