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I stand outside the door waiting for Chase to pick me up. He told me that he wanted to get me early before heading to his parent's house, but that was this morning. It is now almost eight at night. He had just texted me that he was close. I am unsure why he did not just tell me that he couldn't pick me up instead of leaving me hanging, I even called him a few times, and he sent me straight to voicemail. I place my black leather coat on before stepping out of the house.

I can hear his black Audi coming through the parking lot. I huff while warming my hands in the car. "Sorry, I am late. I had something to do." He apologizes.

I do not say anything, I only nod. Please don't act as if you care, I try to tell myself. I take a deep breath and continue to look out the window. The whole ride to his parent's houses, I did not say anything to him. I didn't even care to compliment his patience driving all the way down here. It is not like I am ignoring him; I guess you can say I'm upset he had me waiting all day.

"Are you ok?" He asks as we walk towards the two large doors. "You were silent the whole way here."

"I'm ok," I lie, knowing I'm not. Who knows where he was during those hours? He wraps his arms around my back, making me jumpy. When he touches me, it feels so right but makes me nervous. Maybe he was with another girl. The thought of it, made me brush him off. 

He didn't have time to react to my response to his touch, "Oh my God, you're here." Mary, his mom, comes towards us as we're walking in. "Calvin, they came!" She yells.

Her arms wrap around Chase tight, and she pulls him in.  "Hey, ma." He pushes her away and looks in my direction. "You remember Amelia from the baby shower?"

She smiles and opens her arms towards me. "Of course, I remember, how can I forget the first Lady you brought home? If this is the second time, she must be special." Her hugs are warm and very friendly. "So nice to see you again, darling. Do you want any fruits to snack on? It might be a while before we start eating."

"I'm ok, thanks," I smile.

"Ok. Chase, I need to speak with you for a minute. Amelia, why don't you go ahead and make yourself comfortable."

I don't remember how long I have been sitting on the couch, but when Mary and Chase have been talking, Trevor and Celeste walked through the doors. Celeste complained about all the family dinners they have to go to, but she's not complaining about the food. Trevor and I talked for a bit to catch up. I held off on telling him about the charm bracelet and Chase getting tested to prove something to me.

Once Calvin came downstairs, Chase and Mary came down as well. Chase looks normal for the most part, given the fact that he hates his dad. And I am hoping he stays like this.

We all sit at the long dining room table with seats of six. Calvin comes in with an extra chair, placing it across from me. He glances at me and smiles, "Good to see you again."

"Same here." I smile back. "Thanks for having me." He sits down close to Mary. I look to my left to see Chase. "Who's the extra chair for?" I asked.

"Oh, Amelia, I'm so sorry I forgot to mention we have a family member that would be joining us for dinner as well," Mary responds to me instead.

"Who?" Celeste asked while already eating her food.

Footsteps emerge towards the dining room. In comes a familiar guy with dark brown hair and a built body. I know that body from somewhere, but it is a blur. "The whole family is here," Celeste smirks. He is tall and awfully handsome. When I look over to my side, I can see Chase holding back to say something. He is not even making eye contact with the guy. The more I stare at the stranger, the more I start to see a picture of me dancing with him in the club.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now