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The moment I stepped grounds to the bonfire, it was clear coming here without Chase didn't feel right. I drove with Trevor instead of driving in the car with Luke, he offered the ride, but I wasn't dumb enough to get in the car. We get near a small lake, that no one dared to get near, considering the temperature of New York. There is a small amount of individuals around, and the music is soft, yet not dull. The fire is big, and you already see people trying to make s'mores. I smile in excitement as we walk through the empty space of the woods beside the trees, this atmosphere is exactly what I needed. "This looks fun." I wish Chase were here too.

"The writer's community has these bonfires once a year, almost all the time randos come crashing," Trevor mentions. "There's Luke." He points him out as Luke is talking to a short brown-haired girl, I recognized her in a few of my classes. 

I stop walking once he begins walking in our direction. "Ok, so quick disclaimer," I nervously said to Trevor. "I got drunk one night and danced on Luke, not knowing he was Chase's brother, and Chase punched him. I don't know how to act around Luke because it's really awkward, so don't leave me around him-please."

Trevor rapidly blinked, looking at me with confusion. He doesn't speak with the ramble of words I spit out at him. 

"You guys finally made it. I figured you got caught in traffic," Luke grins. 

I wonder what Trevor is thinking about what I told him if he even processed it all.

"Uh...yeah. Hey, I'm glad you made it out with us," Trevor's tone cracks.

"Who doesn't like bonfires? I mean, besides your boyfriend, Amelia." Luke looks at me.

"He's not my boyfriend," I clear the air. It was just something he said to make Luke Jealous, I am sure of it.

"Oh, really? So, you're single then?" I never thought about that. I am single. It feels so weird not having to talk to Nolan or care for him.

"I guess I am." I shrug, but that doesn't mean I am giving him the go, to try anything with me. I don't care how attractive he is.

"She just got out of a long-term relationship," Trevor mentions in my honor. 

"That's a bummer." He smirks, "I really haven't stopped thinking about that night, but I get it. Getting over a breakup is hard."

"You guys want drinks?" Trevor walks past us to avoid the topic. If I don't have to communicate with Luke, then I am down for drinks. I follow him towards three different kegs, past it, you can see the people sitting around a fire playing guitar and talking.

"You ever had beer from a Keg before?" Luke comes up from behind me, touching me on my shoulders, causing me to recoil.

"No, I don't drink beer," I tell him.

He grabbed a plastic blue cup and placed it near the barrel. Beer splashed out and into the cup. He hands it to me, and I am not sure if I want to drink or not. He makes one for Trevor, and he denies it. As I look around, the area near the fire is beginning to get busier and more people are starting to show up, my guess is they aren't a part of the writer's community. 

When I turned around, I realized Trevor wasn't behind us anymore. Where could he have gone, and why would he leave me here with Luke? "Do you know where Trevor went?" I ask Luke.

He turns to look and shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not sure."

That's just great. I pull out my phone and text him, "Come back!" He cannot leave me alone with Luke.

"Just to get this straight, I got punched in the face by Chase because I was dancing with you, but you guys aren't even a thing?" Luke walks closer to me. "Am I missing something here?"

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now