Be Mine? (A Sebastian Smythe love story)

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Hey guys, I'm making this story because there isn't that many out there. Enjoy :) I do not own the Glee series

I opened  my eyes and saw the same wooden under belly of the bunk bed, that I wake up to every day. I looked around the semi dark room and saw that I was the first one awake... again. I sighed and rolled out of bed, grabbing some clothes and heading to the small, shared, dirty bathroom of Miss. Honey's home for orphaned children. I got in the shower and washed as quickly as possible, if I used all of the hot water Miss. Honey would make me scrub the toilets with my toothbrush, and then make me use it. I almost gagged at the thought of it. When I was done I got dressed in my usual outfit,  black skinny jeans, and a long sleeved pink shirt, completed with a pair of hand-me-down tan Ugg knock-offs. Yeah, I'm living the dream life.

I started down the creaky old stairs but stopped short when I saw Miss. Honey waiting for me at the bottom. I started to walk again, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Go pack your stuff" she said with an evil smirk. "What stuff?" I said sarcastically. Miss. Honey didn't let us have any personal items other than clothes and shoes. She glared at me and put her hands on her hips. "I'm sending your sorry ass to Dalton Academy, for the rest of your miserable life." "Wait, hold up" I held my hands up making a time out sign "I'm not complaining about leaving this dump, but isn't that a school for boys?" "Yep, you'll be the only girl" she gave me a smirk like, have fun being the school slut. I thought about it for about five seconds "Fine, anything to get me out of this hell hole." I ran up the stairs and grabbed what I owned, which wasn't very much. I through it all into a black and grey back pack and slung it over one shoulder. I raced back down the stairs and glanced at the clock on the wall 11:30 everybody was probably just waking up for the day. I went back to Miss. Honey and asked "When do I leave?" "The car is waiting for you, and take the trash out before you leave." I frowned up at her. Here I was leaving hopefully forever and she was making me take the trash out. Everybody here hated Miss. Honey, she was a first class bitch who didn't care about anybody but herself. "Sorry, your to heavy for me to carry." Her jaw dropped. "Why you little-" she raised her hand to smack me, but I through open the door and ran to the car. I slammed the door and rolled down the window "I'M FREE! SCREW ALL OF YOU!" the car started to pull away and a dozen heads appeared in the windows, most of them cheering me on, some of them looking very jealous.

Dalton was a good six hours away, but every body knew about it. It was the best boarding school on this side of the country and every body dreamed of going there, but it was supper expensive. Miss. Honey most likely paid it just to get rid of me. We never got along, she said I was the wort kid she dealt with, and I was there for nine years. My 16 birthday was next month, this was the best gift ever!

I must have dozzed off because the next thing I know, the old man driver is gently shaking my shoulder and saying "Your here miss, time to wake up" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Sorry about that" I said with a big yawn. "It's quite alright, miss" he smiled and helped me out of the car. I grabbed my pack and thanked him. He drove off with one last wave and smile. I looked up at the big impressive, wooden doors and took a deep breath. Show time I thought to my self and started to walk up the big stone steps to my new home.

Be Mine? (A Sebastian Smythe love story)Where stories live. Discover now