Fallen Angel: Part 1

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"Haha your to fast clem! slow down!" Aj chased clementine through the snow, it was mid winter and they decided to play a game in the field they found. Clementine felt the cool air enter her lungs, it was peaceful.

"Nope you gotta catch me goofball!" Clementine yelled to Aj as she looked behind her shoulder. She listened her Combat boots sinking in the hard snow and than releasing with that noise she couldn't describe. The brunette felt her nose, cheeks, and ears burn from the cold. I should have worn a beanie instead of my hat clementine thought to herself. Her legs burned from running so much so she finally decided to stop. She turned around knelt down into the snow, AJ raised his arms in a hug and she did too. He tackled her effortlessly into the white snow.

"gotcha!" Aj giggled as he got lifted into the air. Clementine laughed with him as she set him to the side.

"i would tickle you, butttt you have your snow gear on." Clementine teased as she began to sit up again. Aj giggled.

"You made me wear all this!" Alvin Junior twirled around to show off his 2 layers of winter coats.

"I don't know what your talking about!" Clementine said sarcastically. He looked at her with curious eyes before looking at the sunset behind her. It was a beautiful orange, red sunset, that was beginning to hide in the trees a distance away. Clementine stared at it a while also before finally speaking up.

"C'mon goofball lets get back home." Clementine began walking the otherway as Aj caught up and held her hand. He smiled at her again before it dissapeared.

"where is home again clem?" Aj asked. Clementine let go of his hand and dug in her pocket. She felt the circular object in her hand and lifted it out to show Aj.

"The compass remember?" Clementine showed it to him. He Stared at it before clementine gave it to him.

"oh yeah! I remember now, christa showed us how to use them." Aj Smiled proudly as he ran his hands over the glass.

"Do you remember what number the arrow has to point at?" she asked seriously as she knelt down to his level. he nodded.

"Thirty degrees North east?" He asked himself more than her, clementine smiled.

"good job, here you can hold onto it and lead the way." the brunette followed closely behind Aj as he stared at it carefully. She chuckled lightly as he kept it so close to his face. Geez we went out far.... this is going to be about a two hour walk she thought to herself. She was brought out of her thoughts when she saw Aj stopped to look at the compass better.

"whats the matter?" clementine asked as she walked closer to him.

"do you hear that clem?" Aj asked as he turned around to look at her. She walked a bit closer.

"hear what?" Clementine barely got out as she finally heard it... creaking? She looked at the ground to find the source. She noticed Ajs foot was slowly sinking in the snow. Her eyes widened thinking it was ice breaking. Not again!

"AJ!" Clementine ran at him and tackled him away... Aj fell as clementines foot dropped down into the large hole. quickly the snow began dropping and her lower half began sliding into the box shaped hole.

"clementine!" Aj held onto clementines arm as she began sliding deeper and deeper. The Teen looked despritly for something to hang onto. She looked at Aj as he began sliding with her.

"Aj let go! Or You'll fall with me!" Clementine commanded as her chest was up was next. Aj's tears began falling as he put on a brave face.

"NO I dont want to lose you!" he held on tighter but he was much more lighter than clementine. He left a sliding mark behind himself. Clementine had fear writtin all over her face.

Fallen Angel (TWDG violentine AU)Where stories live. Discover now