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Trevor keeps telling me playing this game is a bad idea, but he wants me to be happy, so he eventually let me go. He's nice enough to stick around so that I wouldn't have to find a ride home and stay out of trouble. I walk into the living room with Luke, and a small group sitting around a coffee table. They set up cute little cushion pillows on the floor to sit on.

I take a sip of my drink and sit next to Luke. There are some unfamiliar people in here, but it should not be that bad.

"Do you guys have room for two?" I hear the same annoying voice of Trixi behind me. She glimpses at me with a forced half-smile. Of course, they are here, but I won't let them ruin my night either. I would have thought that Delilah would have been the one to sit with her, but it was Ellie. With her same neutral face.

"Join us." The guy with blonde hair and a piercing says.

The game started, and the whole time I made sure not to look in their direction. The spinning bottle that told you when your turn would be, was placed in the middle of us. They started, and it missed me first, then it missed Luke. A girl with short black hair had to take her top off, and suddenly I was worried that I shouldn't be playing.

They spin it again, and it was Ellie's turn. They made her make out with the blonde with piercings. Well, he made her do it. I made sure to look away when they started.  I watch as the bottle spins again and the tip of it lands on me.

I smirk to hide the fact that I'm nervous. What makes it more difficult is that people are watching us play. "Oh, let me." Trixi sits up from her pillow. "I dare you to chug a tequila bottle for fifteen seconds," Piece of cake, "with the boy next to you."

"Ok." How hard can that be? They hand me the cold bottle that is freezing the tip of my fingers. I stare at Luke, wondering if he was ready. He leans in closer to me and holds the bottle.

This isn't a good idea, I say to myself.

I take a deep breath, not daring to smell the liquor and tip it into my mouth, Lukes's lips nearly touch mine as we shared the bottle. The seconds felt like minutes, and the time I spent doing it, I felt like I was drowning with a smoldering feeling in my body. It's painful having the alcohol burn slowly inside of you, and what made it worse is Luke was joining me.

As we were about to finish, they all started rooting for us.

"That was dope," Luke helps me out and takes the bottle away.

I open my mouth to burp lightly, but it ended up being louder than expected. "Excuse me." I giggle lightly.

"Nice one." The blonde grins at me and spins the bottle again.

Surprisingly the tip landed on Luke. "I got this one." Ellie has a broad grin. " I dare you to make out with Amelia."

I'm not sure I want to make out with Luke. But who cares? It's only one kiss and our lips already touched.

Luke grabbed my face and pressed himself against me. Once he pressed his wet lips tinted with alcohol, I froze, my eyes open when his tongue reaches for mine. Then with his hands caressing my legs, I close my eyes, and I hungrily push back, getting into it as much as he's into it. The drinks I had, are making me feel open to the idea. His lips are warm and moist, and he moaned in my mouth. It all felt too familiar. We pull back from each other, our eyes locked like magnets. Luke has a flushing smile and red cheeks. "You're a perfect kisser," He whispers.

"Is she now?" Chase's voice pops up in my head or in real life, I am too drunk to tell. I look up behind me, and he is standing there with bloodshot red eyes, a clenched square jaw, and a fist. The veins on his arms are thick and visible.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now