Why she lie: Year 2

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Last time, I talked about Typical but what if I tell you that when I left for a couple months, many of my old friends were gone? I was upset, knowing Typical, Jessica, Latuse, Susiefish, Eddie, Rae all left, went their separate ways, that's when I bumped into Cleo68014, he was getting bullied by Jason. Turns out, Jason made a fake account of Cleo's girlfriend Corble, catfishing Cleo until Cleo dumped Corble for being Jason. After that, me and Cleo became friends. We bumped into Generic-Dude, Daisyme and other friends, having Mariahdabeast or Kylee last. That's when my reputation went badly. 

"I'm seventeen" said Kylee

How stupid I was, believing this girl to be seventeen when a month later, told me the truth. How could she? Oh yeah, because she acted mature for her age, even Cleo was fooled. Generic-Dude pursued me to date her, same with Cleo and others. See, she only lied because she liked me, so what did I do? I asked Cleo.

"Go for it", he told me.
"But I don't know dude, it is quite illegal" I said
"It's a penguin game, age doesn't matter" he said.

So I listened, I forced her to lie but obviously she wanted to tell the truth, that's when other penguins found out, including Death. Now that I think about it, maybe Death told them. Cleo trusts Death but I don't, not after he exposed me. Who is Death? Cleo's friend who never helped when Cleo got hacked, but that's for the 3rd year. Now, how old was Kylee? Eleven, I was much older and quite stupid. 

Continued on the next page...

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