Chapter 1: The Break Up

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It was 8pm at night and Seoyeon's boyfriend told her that he is going to attend his friend's birthday.

"Seoyeon, I'm going to attend Namjae's birthday. He's already 23." Taehyung said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Where is the venue located?" Seoyeon asked with concern; thinking that he would come home completely wasted if the venue is a bar.

"At a bar nearby" Taehyung said, completely calm.

"W-well... I'm allowing you, But! Drink only 1 or 2 bottles. I don't want you to get drunk."

He leaned towards Seoyeon's head area, to her ear with his hands stuffed in his pocket.

"Yes, miss Kim♡."

Seoyeon blushed and covered her red face with her hands. "Y-yah, stop it."

Taehyung giggled at Seoyeon's cuteness and said "I'm going to get ready for the party. I'm just upstairs if you need me"

"I'm going to sleep, wake me up before leaving."

While they both get upstairs, Seoyeon suddenly speaked. "Take care of yourself, whether you're alone or not. I love you♡"

As they reached the 2nd floor, Taehyung turned around and embraced Seoyeon.

Afterwards, he pinched her cheeks causing her to whine in pain.

"Why do you have to do that?!?" Seoyeon complained, still smiling.

"It's because you're just too cute to handle and I love you so much♡"

2 hours later (10 pm)

Seoyeon was sleeping peacefully until Taehyung who is wearing a denim jacket, a white shirt, black pants, and white shoes woke her up.

He kneeled at the side of the bed, shaking Seoyeon to wake up
"Seoyeon, I'm leaving already"

"H-huh? O-oh" Seoyeon was still half asleep, but sooner, she is fully awake.

They go downstairs and Seoyeon leaded Taehyung to the doorway, before opening the door, Seoyeon embraced her arms over Taehyung's shoulders...

"Taehyungie... Don't talk to any girls, don't get drunk, and always be careful whether you're alone or not. I love you♡"

Seoyeon let go of Taehyung and Taehyung.....

Kissed her

"I love you too, take care. Lock all the doors and sleep tight, call me if you need me."

Before Taehyung steps out, Seoyeon grabbed him again and kissed him one more time... As if it was the last kiss.

Taehyung waved goodbye and Seoyeon did as well.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen"

Hours later... 3 am

Seoyeon couldn't sleep, she felt like a bad scene would happen sooner or later.

The venue is just a walking distance, so Seoyeon thought that it would be better if she'd fetch her boyfriend.

She wore skinny jeans, and a coat. Due to South Korea's temperature, she had to wear such a thick coat.

As she was walking down the streets towards the bar...

She saw something that she didn't want to see.

She saw something that she wished that it wasn't true.

She saw something that gave her trust issues.

She saw something that broke her heart into a million pieces.

"T-Tae H-Hyung..."

Seoyeon had tears flowing down her face. Until now, Taehyung doesn't know that Seoyeon is just nearby.

She covered her mouth with her hands, stopping herself from sobbing and creating such noises that could possibly disturb what Taehyung might be enjoying.

She couldn't believe that... Her boyfriend; the guy she dated for 2 years straight...

Is kissing a girl which isn't her.

She quickly walked towards Taehyung and slapped him on his face which left a red mark.

She grabbed his collar and shaked him using all her strength.

"H-How?!? Did you even love me after 2 years?!? Are you just using me?!? Am I your toy?!? Or are you sick of me already?!? Answer me!!!"

Tears were flowing nonstop from Seoyeon's eyes.

"I don't love you anymore. Actually, I never did!"

Taehyung remained smiling and laughing, pulling the girl by holding her waist.

"Minji is better, she attends parties every time. She is more slutty which is actually fun"

Taehyung said, giggling.

Seoyeon had enough of Taehyung's speech. She was getting hurt.

She didn't want to hear what he said. Most of all, she wasn't expecting to hear all those words from his mouth.

So she decided to do what she should do.

"For me, it may hurt a lot for weeks or months but, I'm doing it for good. Let's break up"

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