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Once upon a time there was a 14 year old girl. She looked happy from the outside, but the truth was she hadn't been for a very long time . The girl didn't have friends but she looked happy on the outside so everyone thought she just preferred to be alone. But no one looked further than that. They saw her as the weird girl, who didn't talk much. She would do anything to avoid a conversation. Why? Cause she hadn't been the same since the incident.

She was scared, scared of the wolf. The one that had attacked her when she was walking home alone one day. The event had been hunting her ever since. But she did not tell anyone. She would rather forget. Which only made the burden bigger. Because she couldn't. It would be like she had to relive it all over again. And she wasn't able to handle more pain. If they knew about it they would see her differently . They wouldn't be able to look past it. So she kept it to herself.

Her trauma changed her and her life. She would get uncomfortable really quickly about small things . Hours she would spent awake in bed still feeling his claws on her while he whispered "I love it when I hear you breathing." Wishing his disgusting touch would go away and disappear. She wanted to feel free again. She wanted to feel something different than a constant fear. Thinking that anything literally anything would be better than this feeling. Even feeling nothing at all.

She would look out of her window seeing the event play through her mind over and over again. Her walking home when she suddenly felt a pair of eyes on her. She quickly looked around and noticed a animal lurking at her like she was a prey . Following her instinct she ran as fast as she could. But when the animal came out of the dark she could see it clearly a big male wolf. He started chasing her and he wouldn't stop.

The wolf came closer and closer and eventually caught up to her. He grabbed her hand and pushed her down. Then he said something which made her shiver all over "Tag your it." Then it became clear to her it was just a game to him and there is no escaping it. She was frightened for his next move while screaming for help. But no one heard. Than it happened she let out the loudest scream she could. He just smiled and said "I love it when you scream ." She felt alone, empty, powerless.

When the wolf was finished playing with its prey. It was left wounded, bruised and broken. Barely processing what just happened the girl crawled home. She never told anyone. One month later the girl committed suicide. She had drowned herself hoping that wherever she would go after death she would be clean of his touch. She left a note in her room explaining what happened.

Everyone was shocked and sad that she felt like she couldn't tell anyone. Then they started to think about how strange she was acting for the past few weeks. They felt remorse. Wishing they noticed it sooner. Maybe then it wouldn't have ended like this maybe then she would still be alive.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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