ex nihilo; [ eks- nee -uh- loh ]
― adverb, adjective. Latin.
'out of nothing'┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
Children have this amazing ability
to concentrate when it suits them.They can sit and watch the same
thing over and over on an infinite
loop, as long as they like it.You ever watch a kid catch sight of
his favourite TV show? It's a holy
experience.There's the kid, walking along, lost
sinner just minding his own business.
He's going to burn in hell for eternity
because he spends all his time colouring
and eating Play-Doh.He hasn't seen the light yet, he hasn't
been saved. And then, suddenly, a door
swings open, the volume's on too high
and Spongebob 2.0, God, starts calling out
to him.It doesn't matter what was on his mind
before, that's behind him; old sins have
passed away. Now, he is reborn. Now, the
Holy Spirit and Episode 317 have permeated
his lungs and he's breathing in new air,
sucking up that heavenly re-direction. His
feet pull him forward and you can hear the
church choir echo in the background; in
excelsis Deo and a pineapple under the sea.And he starts to move, he starts to sway.
He's reaching for it, reaching for the light.His face is so close to the screen that the
yellow sponge has become a canvas of color.It is empty desert space and he can see
heaven from here.He'll back up, of course, eventually. Because
his mom says it's not good for his eyes and
he doesn't need to be that close and 'Honey,
why don't you go outside ?'Still, he will sit there. For days, if he could.
He'll sit and watch that same bucktoothed
fry cook preach the Good Word with a
giggle and the voice of Thomas James Kenny.And this is what Ruddman looks like right
now. Sitting on my couch, facing the television.He's six years old again, peering into the face
of God. Except he's not watching TV, he's not
watching anything at all.His eyes are open and his pupils have taken
over, turned the blue and white into a nasty
oil spill; sticky, wet and everything's dead,
everything's black.I flutter my hand across his eyes.
"He's gone, man," Will tells me and he
waves salvation in my face. Altar call,
going once. "You wanna hurry up and
get on his level?"Ruddman hasn't moved or blinked in the
last five minutes. Gray faced and maybe-
breathing, he looks dead. I'm jealous. I want
to be there too, I want to be immersed head
first in The Message.So I stick out my tongue and let the droplets
of holy water cleanse me, release me, put
existence into my hands.It only takes a few seconds and I'm on the
couch, sitting beside both of my friends.We're facing the preacher, the television set.
And then I blink and become born again.
Ex Nihilo | On hold
Science FictionOut of nothing comes Chaos. Out of Chaos comes Madness.