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💖 Like every other one shot books I take request! But before you ask any questions please read this! 💖

Request Guide!
~ If you want to request please request here, in my latest chapter or message me!
~ I will take lemons/limes but please beware they won't be the greatest to start off with.
~ Requests can be A.U. Parts 2/3 of chapters that already exist or anything you want me to write!
~ Please be as specific as possible! I.E reader has a fire quirk, reader is All Mights daughter and if they are in class 1-A or not!
~ Please do not request (and I've accepted) and request again! As this can get highly annoying! You're requests won't be prioritised over anyone else!

I'm caught up with the anime so I'm open to any scenarios and characters in the anime!

(Y/N) - your name
(L/N) - your last name
(N/N) - your nickname
(H/C) - your hair colour
(E/C) - your eye colour
(S/C) - your skin colour

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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