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This month is supposed to be all about being thankful and giving thanks. Realizing that what you have now is more than what you had before. To learn that, you must appreciate and be thankful for the little things in life. 

I tried to go through this month without getting too emotional, and I believe this is the first year it went by ok for me. However, with my mom passing away in the crash the day of thanksgiving, November hasn't been the same. 

The rest of the week went by fast, I had to finish most of my assignments before Thanksgiving break. The day after I spoke with my therapist I got a invite from Trevor which came from Mary. It was a charity winter ball she was hosting at her house for the sick and those in rehab. I second going because its at Chase's house, or old house, but thinking back Chase would never attend something like that.

The invite was a little too close to the date of the event but I didn't mind. Alexander and Rachel planned on attending as well. I didn't have a fancy dress to wear, that was until Alexander knocked on my room door with a long silver dress and heels. "Rachel hoped she got your sizes right, I hope so as well because I don't like being late," he laughs.

The dress is beautiful, I almost wanted to say no, but I don't think I ever wore something so...sexy. "Thank you!" I tell him.

In the car with Rose and Trevor Rachel mentioned to us how Alexander takes this charity event very seriously, he donates more than the owner of the charity event, no offense to Mary of course.

We arrived to the house. There were nearly a hundred-plus people in formal attire. They all had champagne in their hands in their pockets full of cash to donate. I respect this charity as much as anyone in here, I've delt with my mother being a drunk and being in and out of rehab with Ellie's mother. So if the money I put in is to help the next person then I won't mind donating.

"Amelia, darling! You look amazing!" Mary walks up to us in a white jumpsuit. She greets Rachel, Alex and Trevor than admires Rose in her suit.

"Thank you, you look really good as well. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for inviting me." I tell her.

"Oh it's no biggie. Chase told me about your mom and told me you would love to attend so I thought, why not." she laughs.

Chase told her to invite me? I hate to say this but that is very sweet and an accurate reason. Just before I spoke Chase walks up from behind Mary. He wore a pink dress shirt like Rose and a blazer. He has a golden necklace on with some heavy golden rings around his fingers. He was breathtakingly hot.

His eyes roam my outfit, his lips curve up in amusement.

"Hey you stole my shirt," Rose points out.

Chase grins at her unexpectedly, especially since I know how he feels about her and the other girls. "You look better in it." he tells her.

"I told her the same thing!" Rachel exclaims.

Mary touches Rose on her shoulders leading her away, "you do look brilliant, I have a few people to introduce you too. With your study they can be a good influence on you." They walk away with Rachel and Trevor.

Alexander stayed behind me eying Chase and I. Chase leans in, "can we talk?" he peeks at Alex, "alone."

Alex rest his hands on my shoulders asking me if I'm good on my own and I nod to confirm, "ok, Rachel and I will be at the check dropping station. Find us when you are ready to go."

"Will do." I tell him.

Chase and I walk out back just after he suggested we go to his room. I used self restraint to say no. If we go up there, we know exactly what's going to happen.

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