Donnie meets LH

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Leatherhead is a year older than Donnie- also all of this isn't canon lol. It's based off my own headcanons I came up with on leatherhead. Idk if the creators plan to even incorporate leatherhead in the actual show yet.

With that being said, welcome to the first chapter lol


So this was utterly embarrassing.

Donnie had gone out on his own to gather some more parts from a junkyard he'd commonly go to. Things had gone smooth as silk. His haul had been more rewarding than usual and he was quite excited to get back home and start inventing. Oh, the things he could add to his beloved staff!

However, as he was climbing down the ladder, he slipped and fell, hurting his leg on the concrete ground below. One could say he was distracted but he preferred to blame the slipperiness of the ladder. After all, it was the sewers.

Once he hit the ground he screamed in pain and shouted out a curse that surely would've earned him a scold from Raph. but that didn't matter right now. His leg hurt really badly. He didn't think that it was broken but it still hurt a lot. He rubbed it and hissed. It felt incredibly sore when he touched it.

Well that ain't good... This was definitely not one of his proudest moments. He could only imagine how Leo would be laughing at him right now for slipping. Yeah, yeah, he loved his brother and all but Leo could be quite annoying sometimes.

All of his findings had fallen to the ground and were scattered around on the floor. He hoped nothing was broken because he'd found some delicate things he didn't wish to have broken. It would spare him another trip to the junkyard.

He grumbled, attempting to scoot over and collect his treasures when he heard a noise from behind him.

Sure enough, two glowing yellow eyes were staring back at him from the dark tunnel. He gulped. Now would be the appropriate time to start running. That is, if he was able to. With that injured leg, he wasn't going anywhere.

Donnie attempted to crawl away, which he immediately regretted because his leg began to throb with pain once more. He frantically tried to get away but it was no use. He was at the mercy of whatever was about to snatch him.

The figure only got closer and closer until he could do nothing more but hide in his shell.

"Are you okay?" It asked.

Donnie peeked out of his shell and stared at the big beast in front of him. An Alligator? Seemingly a mutant as well.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, sitting down next to Donnie.

Donnie's head poked out, the rest of his limbs followed. His injured leg hurt bad when he did that, earning a hiss. "Ow..."

"That doesn't look good." He said, motioning towards his leg.

"Yeah, no kidding... It hurts like shell." Dpnnie retorted sarcastically. He didn't completely mean to come off as rude, he's just used to making sassy remarks.  Also he's not super willing to be chummy with a threatening gator that looked like it could eat him in 10 seconds flat.

"May I take a look at it?"

"Be my guest. Not like I'm able to go anywhere." He says again, rolling his eyes. He finally takes a moment to really look over the alligator. He's definitely much taller than Donnie and he could definitely tower over Raph as well. His scaly skin looks razor sharp and a few fangs poke out of his mouth.

The alligator is gentle and takes his time looking over his leg. He's got good self control over his strength, despite his size and appearance. He's quite muscular. As Donnie looks at him, it seems like the Alligator has picked up on the fact that Donnie's looking him over.

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