Cuphead - Werner and Tamara Werman's Halloween

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It's Halloween in Inkwell Isle and everyone is getting ready for Halloween, especially a certain German rat soldier. At Werner Werman's house...

Tamara Werman: "Hallo, Cousin Verner, Happy Halloveen."

Werner Werman: "Kleiner Cousin Tamara, good to see you. Happy Halloveen!" (hugs Tamara Werman) "How are you today?"

Tamara Werman: "Good, älterer Cousin. I just vanted to come hang out vith you on Halloveen."

Werner Werman: " Vov! Zat's wunderbar, Tamara! I could really use your help scaring ze trick-or-treaters."

Tamara Werman: "Really?"

Werner Werman: "Ja, I really like dressing up as ein schpooky ghost for Halloveen."

Tamara Werman: "Nein vay, me too! I alvays dress up as ein ghost in Halloveen to scare mein Geschwister, alzough I couldn't scare Valdeburg because sche isn't afraid of ghosts."

Werner Werman: "Vell, sche is younger zan you, but you know, Tamara, I alvays knew you'd make ein great ghost."

Tamara Werman: "You really zink so?"

Werner Werman: "I know so."

Tamara Werman: "Danke, Verner! I knew you'd agree! Luckily, I brought mein ghost coschtume vith me."

She takes out her ghost costume (which is a white bedsheet with eyeholes on it) and puts it on, making her look like a sheet ghost.

Tamara Werman: (ghostly voice) "Voooooooooooooooo... Älterer Cousin Veeeeeeerner, IIIIIIIIIIII am ein schpoooooooky ghoooooooooooooost! Voooooooooooooo..." (giggles; normal voice) "Vell, vat do you zink?"

Werner Werman: "Not bad. I haffe ein surprise for you. Close your eyes."

Tamara Werman: "Okay." (covers her eyes with her sheet-covered hands)

Werner Werman takes off his helmet, takes out his ghost costume (same as Tamara Werman's) and puts it on, making him look like a sheet ghost.

Werner Werman: "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Tamara Werman gets her hands off her eyes and sees Werner Werman in his ghost costume, pretending to be a real ghost.

Werner Werman: (ghostly voice) "Vooooooooooooooooooo... Kleiner Cousin Tamaraaaaaaaaa, IIIIIIIIIII am ein effen schpoooooooookier ghoooooooooooooooooost! Vooooooooooooooooooo..." (hugs Tamara Werman; normal voice) "Boo!"

Werner and Tamara Werman laugh.

Tamara Werman: "Zat vas so fun!"

Werner Werman: "Ja, now let's go scare ze trick-or-treaters!"

They hear a doorbell ring.

Werner Werman: "Who is it?"

Cuphead (off-screen): "It's Cuphead, Mugman and the Pipperson Siblings. Trick-or-treat!"

Werner Werman: "Hold on!" (whispers to Tamara Werman) "Are you ready, kleiner Cousin?"

Tamara Werman: (whispers to Werner Werman) "Ready, Verner." ( giggles quietly)

Werner Werman: (whispers to Tamara Werman) "Okay, on drei."

Werner and Tamara Werman: (whisper to each other) "Eins zwei drei!" (open the door; ghostly voices) "Booooooooooooo!!!!"

Cuphead (dressed as a vampire), Mugman (dressed as a mummy), Skippy and Carly Pipperson (respectively dressed as a scarecrow and a pumpkin) stare at the cousins in their ghost costumes. Then, Mugman screams and holds onto Skippy Pipperson as Carly Pipperson cries and holds onto Cuphead.

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