Chapter 1

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I sprawl on the floor. Mia just hit me in the groin as per usual. Her friend, Kate, continues to kick me in the groin. Then Sam kicks me in the head several times. She's the worst of the trio. She's tall, blonde and hot. I have a secret crush on her but instead she bullies me.
Nobody likes me in the school, I'm small and weak and worst of all I'm a boy.
I hate being a boy. When I was younger I tried to play with the girls in Childcare. They chased me off even then and I was only three!
When I actually started school I took my sisters clothes. She is only a year older than me and yet they were too big. None the less I headed off to school on my own not wanting my mom or sister to know what I was doing.
I came in and told everybody I was a proud girl and I liked dolls and makeup.
Everybody laughed at me and I got sent home early.
Worst part about being a boy? Have a fucking dick. I hate it so damn much. I would love to see it gone out of my pants, even just for a day.
I get bullied and it's easy to beat me up because of it.
If I had a vagina the girls would respect me. Heck, I would be one of them. And I wouldn't have to worry about getting hit in any weak parts.
When the girls are gone I gather up my stuff and head to class.
I sit alone and daydream in class as usual.
All the teachers hate me for it. I know if I was a girl I wouldn't have to worry about any of this shit because girls are smart and cute. Women don't know how good they have it.
I listen up for a bit when the teacher yells at me. Then I daydream again.


I come home and kick my bed.
"Uh! Such a shit day! If I only I was a fucking girl with a vagina!" I yell.
My Mom walks in.
"How was your day, Tom."
"Uh, good Mom. Very nice, I was talking to my friends about video games and stuff."
"That's nice to hear. What are you yelling about then if your day was fine?"
"Nothing really. Just pretending to be a character from a video game I like." I say.
"Very nice, but could you please keep it down?"
"Sure Mom, I'll do that."
"Thank you very much Tom." She leaves the room and walks back down stairs.
I sigh and sit down on my bed. "I wish... I wish I was a woman, even just for a day." I say to myself.
"Your wish is yours too keep." I hear a shady voice say. I look up and see a man in dark clothing concealing any details about him. He looks right at me with those green glowing eyes. Although I should be terrified I somehow stay calm and sit there.
"Wait, I'm confused..." I say. But the Man has disappeared.


I wake up and stifle a yawn. I get out of bed and towards my shower. I strip down and turn in the warm water and step inside. Damn, the water feels good and wakes me up. I look down and scream.
My usual dick isn't there, instead I see two large breasts bulging out of my chest.
Out of the corner of my eyes I can see long strands of black hair.
I stop and take a deep breath. I close my eyes. It must be a dream. I open my eyes and see the sight of the breasts still bulging out of my chest.
Did I change gender over night? No, it doesn't make sense. I had brown hair before, and I definitely wasn't this tall before...
I'm abnormally tall even for a tall eleven year old girl. And I don't think even if I am a girl I should have breasts this big, or even breasts at all.
If I somehow am a woman then... I push my breasts aside which are surprisingly soft and nice to touch I look down. Sure enough there is no sign of a dick and instead a hairy vagina.
I turn off the water and walk out of the shower. Using my arm I wipe off the steam that's gathered on the mirror and see...
Why the fuck do I look like her? I scream again and hear her feminine voice escape me.
I am Ms Barry, my 27 year old Maths teacher.
I walk into her room and take the sight of it in. It's a sorted mess. There a books neatly stored into bookshelves, feminine clothing sorted into different closets and lockers and pictures assorted carefully on the walls.
I take a deep breath. How long did I say I wanted to be a girl? Did I say a whole mother fucking week?!


I pull in some underwear. It takes me just over ten minutes to clip on the bra. It's surprisingly tight.
I try to remember what she would wear. I realise she would always have a pair of heels so slide them on. I pull on a black and white dress and grab her handbag.
It takes a lot of effort just to not fall over in the damn heels. I trip down the stairs which is incredibly painful. I scream out as I tumble down hitting the hard edge of the steps.
When I hit the floor after what seems minutes I find bruises all along my arm and leg and even a few on my butt. Her butt.
I get up and clean myself up. At least I'm not winded because I don't have my penis.
As I think about my penis I smile. I have a Vagina now.
I look down and frown realising the extra weight I'm carrying on my chest. Well, I didn't need those, did I?
I grab my car keys and sit into my car. I drive to school, or, rather now, my job.


Upon arrival and exit of my car I make my way to the staff room. I smile awkwardly at the other teachers. I manage to grab what stuff I'll need for my class and head to my classroom.
I plunk my books onto my table, sit down and sigh. I'm about to pull off my tight bra when the door opens.
It's me.
Or, Ms Barry.
"What the fuck is this!" I hear my own voice say and my familiar hands gesturing towards my body.
"I don't know." I answer quietly, trying to hide my guilt.
"I have a fucking penis!" She screams at me. "Worse again, I'm in the body of a pupil of mine! A pupil I despise!"
I stand up. "You think I wanted to be you with your hairy vagina and your big, bulging proud breasts?" I yell at her. I grab my breasts and squeeze them.
"I look at me, I am Ms Barry and I am so beautiful and big squeeze breasts!" I say in a mocking voice even though now I have her voice I guess I don't need to.
"My real name is Ava," She says with a sigh.
"Oh gosh, stop doing that!" She says when she notices I'm still squeezing her breasts. It feels so good, I just had to do it. When I don't stop she slaps my hand away from her breasts.
"Pedophile." She says.
"Well, that's a lot coming from you talking about my penis."
I see her shiver.
"So weird and small."
"Sorry, did I say small? I meant miniature."
I stand a whole head over her, then punch her as hard as I can into the balls. She lurches forward and yells out.
"Dirty bastard." I say. "How about this, detention after school, eh?"
And I push her out of the room, undoubtedly winded from the hit.


Who knew teaching could be so hard? I tried in my first class but as I soon I turned round to write something on the board and I got a simple sum wrong the class burst out into laughter at me. I then dropped my marked and bent over to pick it up. I heard whispers about my ass. Then I felt something hit it. I turned around to find a crumpled piece of paper on the ground that was apparently launched at my ass.
I sent them off five minutes early to their next class and waited for the next class to come in.


I sit at my table silently. Today was an absolute mess. At least it's a Friday, I suppose. I'm about to get up and leave when the door opens for about the millionth time today. Ms Barry, who's in possession of my body, walks into the room.
"Shit." I say and sit back down.
"Shouldn't have given that detention," She says.
I stay silent.
"Well, what now?" She says sitting herself down. "How long are we going to be stuck like this?"
"I'm not sure..." I say. I'm pretty sure it's a week but I don't want to admit that.
She smiles. It's a bit weird and odd. When she sees me notice she tries to hide it.
"Why are you smiling?" I ask.
"It's Just..." she gazed down at herself. I figure her out.
"My dick?" I say.
"Yeah, it's funny, I've wondered what it'd be like to have one." She says.
"You... have?" I say slowly.
"Not a big, hairy bollocks just a small size, like this." She says gesturing towards mine.
"Jeez, thanks." I say.
"The same as you liked my breasts..." she says.
She walks up to me.
"Before you go any further in my body we need to talk."
"Okay..." I say.
"My breasts? I am proud of them, but only because of the great space they have." She says. She grabs her phone on my desk and slides it into the gap between my breasts. I blush and so does she.
"So, Uh, that's your pride?" I say.
She nods. "Men don't have it and very few women use it to their advantage. As you know I wear dresses a lot so most the time I don't have pockets so having a place to put my belongings is helpful."
I smile at her. Heck, I grin.
"Well, you might as well learn about me."


After an hour the detention is up. We've talked about ourselves, the advantages and disadvantages of our bodies and we say our goodbyes. I'm about to sit into my car when a woman's voice says: "Hey Ava, you excited to go shopping tomorrow?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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