Yeeun - Issues

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It was a boring Monday night at your home, you were laying down on Yeeun's bedroom couch scrolling through Netflix to find a good show to binge while your girlfriend, Yeeun was getting ready to go to a party. She was going alone and'll meet up with her friends there like usual, but you were used to it since parties were never really your scene. It was a day off for both of you and you were exhausted since you came home from work a few hours ago. Yeeun was sitting in front of her closet and choosing an outfit in her robe since she just got out of the shower.

Yeeun: Hey hun, how about you come with me to the party this time? It'll be fun!
Y/N: Princess, you know parties aren't my thing for people are huddled up in groups and then people grind on each other like nobodies around. Plus their food and drinks taste horrible.
Yeeun: Yeah yeah, you always use your rich taste as an excuse to never go to parties. Food is food, it's not like they grabbed it out of the trash can. And when have you ever started complained about being grinded on?
You blush furiously since you always easily become red when Yeeun says things like that.
Y/N: T-That isn't the point!
Yeeun giggled sweetly. You both were already in your relationship for 2 years so she knows ALL your weaknesses.
Yeeun: Come onnnn, this party is different it's filled with people who have reputation on the media. Like big reputation.
Y/N: Another reason why I shouldn't go. I don't have any reputation on the media. Plus it's noisy, you know I prefer silence.
Yeeun: You're literally lying to my face, you're a business man who helps produce songs for your sweet girlfriend and you're always loud. Besides people know about your brand you made, Hucci remember?
Y/N: Yes yes I remember, but what'll I get out of this?
Yeeun walks towards you, now behind you and wraps her arms around your neck. She whispers to your ear: "Come and you'll see what your reward will be. Let's say that you won't really be able to stop saying my name for the rest of the night."
She then kisses your neck leaving trails of her red lipstick on your neck.
Y/N: Tempting. Very very tempting.
You look at Jennie who's now already dressed. (the outfit in the picture)
Y/N: Alright, let me get changed then.

Few minutes went by and you're now at your car where you're driving and on the way to the party Yeeun seems pretty excited about. You arrive and just like you expected, it's loud and people are already up on each other while looking heavily intoxicated.

Yeeun holds your hand while she leads you to her group of friends she always goes with when she's at the party. They were chatting when Yeeun asks her friend and you to get some drinks. You already knew them since she would always be talking about them, her name was Eunbin and she always liked to party since her work always took up most of her time she always would take the chance to let loose.

Eunbin: Surprising to see you here Y/N
Y/N: No kidding, I assume you figured it out that I wouldn't want to be here but-
Eunbin: But Yeeun told you she'd give you something by the end of the party didn't she?
Y/N: She planned this didn't she?
Eunbin: Congrats, you figured it out genius!
Eunbin ruffles your hair and smiled.
Y/N: Lets just get the drinks, Eunbin.
You and Eunbin finally made it to the snack table and grab the drinks, you're talking a few snacks too since they look more delicious than the other parties Yeeun dragged you to.
Eunbin: Yeeun didn't mention you were sick, Y/N
Y/N: Ha ha , Bean.
Eunbin laughed and you both made your way back to your small group.
Y/N: Hey we're back, what'd we miss?
Yeeun: Oh nothing babe, I'm guessing Eunbin spoiled the surprise?
Y/N: I'm never trusting you again
Yeeun gives a kiss on the cheek
Yeeun: You look like you feel welcomed with those snacks you took?
Y/N: They look better than usual, they taste better too since I tried them at the table.

You & Eunbin hand the drinks to Yeeun and her other friends who you didn't know like how you knew Eunbin. They weren't her band mates, more like party mates.
You were about to take a sip where you notice from the corner of your eye and women who looked like she was checking you out. She was swaying her hips to the music as she noticed you looked at her she smiled and looked down, Yeeun noticed that you were looking at somebody and took a glimpse of who it was. Knowing it was a random girl she grabbed your ear and turned you back to look at their face. Strangely she even looked more beautiful when mad. Yeeun yelled at you, with irritation in her voice.

Yeeun: I brought you here to have fun! Not to let girls check you out!
Y/N: I wasn't checking her out, Yeeun! She was looking at me! A-
Yeeun: Bullshit, you let her! I'm your girlfriend!
You held her hand which was still pinching your ear and told her while looking into her beautiful dark brown eyes.
Y/N: Yeeun, you are and always will be the woman I love.
Yeeun looks at you and leans in close to you, you close your eyes and get ready for a kiss but instead feel a slap to the face.

Should've seen that coming.
Yeeun grabs your hand and rushes you out of the party with a sour expression on her face. She pushes you into the passenger seat while she makes her way to the drivers. "Keys." Yeeun said with the irritation in her voice getting stronger. You give her the keys because you knew not to piss her off, well piss her off even more since you made her mad already. A few minutes of driving you told Yeeun:

Y/N: You know I think you're exaggerating a bit, it's not like I went up to her and made out with her in front of your face
Yeeun said visibly angry. Shit. You pissed her off now. Like really pissed her off.
Y/N: Look, I'm sorry that I LOOKED at somebody who was checking me out from a far distance.
You told yourself thinking how dumb you sounded for apologizing about somebody who looked at you.
Yeeun: There's a clear difference from somebody looking and checking you out, Y/N. You didn't even bother to look away, you kept staring at her when she looked down at you.
Opening you're mouth to say something back, but she was right.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Yeeun. You're right, there's a difference between looking and getting checked out and Im sorry.
You look up and realize you were on an empty hill, facing towards the city lights. A beautiful view you haven't seen before.
You hold her hands which were on her lap, her head looking towards the view. She looked at you as she felt your hand hold hers.
Y/N: Yeeun, you are the woman of my dreams and the woman who I've fallen in love with over these past 2 years. Every day I look at you and wonder how I got so damn lucky to date a beautiful woman like you. I'm an anti-social boy who doesn't always like to be close to people you're right. But you make me feel different, everyday you make me feel like a better person and a better me. Every time I think about you I feel like I've fallen in love with you again. You make me happy. I love you with all my heart and nobody and nothing will ever change that. Please forgive me.
Yeeun unbuckles her seatbelt and goes on your side and sits on your lap.
Yeeun: I love you too, Y/N. I'm sorry too.
Y/N: You have nothing to be sorry about, I should be the-
Yeeun cuts you off with a passionate kiss as she holds your shirt tightly, practically squeezing it. She uses her free hand to recline your seat backwards.

You imagine the rest (;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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