Prologue (Chapter 0)

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"Many centuries ago in the Kingdom of Meldoria, humans and dragons were at war, but over time they formed an alliance to take down a mutual enemy. It was a war that lasted for many, many, many, years. Over the years, the dragons and humans of Meldoria learned to cooperate and work together. Eventually, they won the war. A treaty was formed and the alliance grew stronger. When the war was over, each side gave the other a gift. Supposedly, the humans gave the dragons shelter from other kingdoms who were against dragons. The humans also gave the dragons the ability to form coherent human words and understand English. The dragons gave the humans rides and transportation, while the eldest dragon, rumored to be a celestial dragon, gave the royal family its' spirit when they died. Legend has it that within the castle walls, the spirit of the 'celestial' dragon still lives on. Every child born within the Royal bloodline was given wings. Dragon wings. However, peace didn't last long. After the war with the first enemy, a new enemy rose. They found out about the alliance, and the dragons' hiding spot. When the king got word of their idea to storm Meldoria, he knew he had to act fast, he sent the dragons away to a secret area no one but the royal bloods and selective few knew about. It was just in time. Days later, Meldoria was attacked, by another kingdom. They wanted the power of the dragons for themselves. The battle went on for years. War after war, 'til both kingdoms had an heir that wanted the wars to stop. The civilians, after centuries and centuries of fighting, were annoyed and frustrated by the sudden change of pace. They continued to fight, it wasn't exactly legal, but yet the knights couldn't do anything about it. There were some who wanted things to change. To forgive and forget. However, they were out voted. Those who wanted peace between the kingdoms were either kept in hiding or killed by other people. That leads us to the beginning of a new era.


**This is still new and it's in 'beta.' there will be mistakes.

We're just gonna improvise the story as we go lol



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