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The ride home last night was silent, I had nothing to say to Chase, and he had nothing to say to me. We were both unsettled and too stubborn to speak to each other, like idiots. There were instances where I nearly spoke but bite back my tongue. If I was to speak, it would cause another brawl between us. Mary tried to bring up the mood a bit, but it wasn't working. What made it worse for me was when we were dropping Blair and Janice home, Blair sat in the middle, and he paid her more attention. When we got back to Mary's house that night, we parted ways. He went upstairs, and I went to the kitchen, drained from the day, Maybe I should leave and just go to the beach to brighten my mood, but the beach during winter is like a death sentence, especially in New York.

I'm not that tired to lie done yet, and Mary said she would like to talk to me before heading to bed. I would not mind talking to her. She's sweet and honest, and she can also give me some advice about her irksome child.

"I didn't want to talk to you while he was around. Is everything ok?" She asked.

I nod my head at her. "Everything is fine. We tend to bump heads a lot. Our relationship isn't the best."

Her brows crumpled, "Why do you think like that? Not all relationship is perfect."

I wasn't sure if I should exploit every detail to her, but she has already gained a spot in my heart. "I got out of a long-term relationship not so long ago and jumped right into the dating train." I laugh at my stupidity. "I should've waited."

She takes a kettle and puts water in it, getting ready to boil water for what I assume to be for tea. "I already know the answer to this, but you like my son right?" 

I nod my head at her. "I basically love him, except when he keeps trying to defend me by fighting other people. I don't know it's like when he doesn't have a dose of his pot he's a completely different person, so bitter and angry and he's even worse when he is high." I sigh. It feels good to say that to someone besides keeping it in my head. "I'm scared if I tell him, he'll freak out."

She shrugs her shoulders. "Given his history, I would see why you think that. But trust me when I say, I have not seen him happier with anyone else, barely with anyone." She chuckles, and suddenly I feel better about my decision. It still does not fix the fact that we are both stubborn. "I tell him constantly that his problems can't be resolved by getting high, I think slowly he is starting to understand, but he is stubborn so..."

She takes out two mugs, for me and herself, and puts a filter over both of them. Instead of using plain tea bags, she has her own mixture of herbs in a mason jar. I awe at her aesthetics in my head. She then begins to speak again, "Rose told me that there was this rumor going around about this girl being exposed at her birthday party. I was also told that that girl is you." My face froze, not knowing what words to grasp. "Don't worry. I'm not here to scold you or judge. I'm aware that my son has issues when it comes to girls. But taking it from a lady that has been through hell and back; never stop taking care of yourself, no matter how hard it gets, always choose yourself. I like the fact that you choose my son, but if it gets to a point where enough is enough, I will understand if you two were to end things. Let's just hope it doesn't get to that point."

"Thank you, Mary, that means a lot to me. Really."

"No problem. I had a wonderful day with you guys. Despite grumpy pants who always want to fight someone. He's been like that since he was two, always so grumpy."

"I'm sure he had his reason," I mumbled bluntly, not realizing that I brought up something that has nothing to do with me. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," She smiles lightly at me. "I'm sure you know the whole family drama." Her eyes fall to the floor. "I wasn't strong enough to leave then, I was pregnant, and Chase was only three. I couldn't let him grow up without a father."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now