i'm dead and it's your fault.

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Hi, my name's Rose Vallarkie, I'm 15 years old. I thought you should know a little about me before I tell you my story.

My favourite number is 3, my favourite colour is light blue and my favourite animal is either a wolf. I love chocolates, sweets and I adore cotton candy. I go to a school called lorreate high.

It's cool but it has its downfalls like:

1. Strict teachers.

2. lasagne.

Strict teachers, the strictest teacher at my school is called Mr. Daebe.

He will give you a detention if you do almost anything.

Lasagne, it's horrible no one dares to eat it, it make you feel sick just looking at it.

Anyway, it was friday the 13th of February 2015 and we were aloud to come into school in normal clothes instead of our uniform. So I was wearing a pair of black legins and a long white frilly t-shirt and well I have to admit, I looked so cool. I completly forgot to tell you what i look like; I have brown eyes with a big green ring around the brown (it's so werid but looked so cool!!), I i have long, straight and blonde hair. I have lots of freakles but you dont see them to much because i normally wear foundation. So back to what I was wearing, So I looked so cool. About 5 minutes after I did my hair in a messy but cute bun, I left my house to walk to school, so I got to form at 8;30 just in time for form. In form we had equipment check, which luckly for me I had all mine, all we need is a pencil, a pen, a ruler, a highlighter and calculater. After form, which finishis at 9:00, I had history it's so boring but oh well. So after about ten minutes we started hearing some screaming and crying and loud but quick bangs from down the hall. Miss goes to open the door to see what's going on. A man carrying a small gun walks towards miss, he point his gun at her, her Forehead maybe. She didn't say a word or even move. The man takes a step forward and said "Look here, if you move out of the way of the door I won't kill you but if you don't, well you know" But still miss doesn't move an inch. The man gives out a loud puff and then moves his index finger onto the trigger on the black gun and BANG!! Miss falls to the floor, dead, lifeless. Her face began to go colourless. Some students start to cry. i stood up out of my seat but still didn't cast a tear. The mans eyes moved from miss's body to me. I stood as still and silent as a tree on a windless day. "Haven't you learnt anything?" He says with a half hidden smile. He moves from standing in the door frame to the frount, middle part of the classroom by the interactive white board. He points his gun at the frount row of tables to his left and BANG, BANG, BANG,BANG! He shoots all four student on that row and one of them students happened to be one of my best friends, She was called Summer. She had long light blonde hair with light blue high lights. She was so kind to everyone even if she didn't know them. She always knew what was wrong with me and how to make me feel better when i was sad. It was like she knew me more than I know me. Seeing her shot dead made me want to die that second because there was no reason for me to live anymore, but i felt anger too. I looked back at her body once more then with rage in my eyes I looked at the man. I knew he could see I was angry when he said "Aww, you look a bit angry and misserable there, tell you what, how about i put you out of your missery. How's about that?" He said laughing a little. This was the point were I thought, you know what, why should I stay quiet when i can stand up for myself he won't kill me even if he tried. "You know what, even if you did kill me that wouldn't ever stop me feeling angry and sad ever because what i've just seen is unforgetfull. You killed, first, my teacher then my best friend. You know what even if you do try to kill me i will not die!"

"Oh really!" he said trying to sound confused. i knew he would shoot me at any moment so i kept myself allert. BANG! He shoots. i feel everything slow down like in a movie where it's in slow motion. I see the bullet moving slowly towards me, it's aiming at my forehead. i duck just in time as everything speeds up again. i doged the bullet in time. I felt so proud but renembered he might try and shoot me again, but he doesn't. He just stood there so still he could've been dead. "Told you!" i said with a smile on my face. i quickly ran behind him and grabed his hand which he held the gun in. i twisted his fingers till he lost any possible grip on the gun. i grabed his other arm and pulled it up like you would when trying to break someones arm. He squinted in pain as i pulled his arm up thurther. "aww, does that hurt. How do yoi think they feel?" i said feeling sad again as i looked at summer's lifeless face. He goes to speak but then doesn't. I asum he was thinking that i am smarter than i look. i reach in my pocket for my phone with my free hand and unlock it. I press contacts then press dial pad and type 999 in. It's answerd by a women sounding like she was in her 40's. i asked for police then after i explain about what's gone on i text summer's mum about what happened. i tell the man to sit on the frount table right hand side 2nd seet in and he does. I tell every one else to leave and go home they also leave without questioning me. I start walking towards Summer. bend down and lift her wrist, i check her pulse. It's still going but a bit slower than normal. I put het wrist back on the table and ring 999 again but i ask for the parimedicd. i tell them about summer and the other kids. They said there on there way. Suddently a police women enters the room she asked me a few questions and then askes the man for his name. He doesn't answer so she asks him again but louder and stricter. "Eoin Cropinton." He answers eventuly.
"thank you" she repled then said " your underarest for accuasative murder, you have the right to reman silent but anything you do or say can and will be used agenst you in court."

Not long after Eoin had been taken, away four paramedics came in looked at the students and took them away as well as me. I went in the same ambulance as summer. I texted her mum again about summer still being alive and that we were heading to the hospital. She text back saying she was coming. I meet her in the room Summer and I were being looked at in. Not long after her mum came Summer woke up, I think it might have been 20 minutes maybe. We were so glad she was ok when she woke up. Then a doctor came in and walked over to us to see if Summer was awake yet. he looked at her arm where she'd been shot, He had allready gotten the bullet out not long after we arived at the hospital. The docor said "She is looking good, we might disconect her tomorow if she keeps this up. Her wound on her arm, well it should take a while to heal but not too long, we've just got the bullet out, stiched her up and checked her over to see if she is stable and what not. though I do have some bad news, some of the other students were allready dead when we got to them but the others are now also dead, I'm so sorry. We've done everything we can but nothing worked. Guess you here were just lucky."

"Yeah, lucky's the word" Summer said sounding quite sad. Two days later I was reading my emails when Summer text me, I exited out of gmail and went onto messages, then onto Summer. It read 'Hey Rose, Just wondering but do u wanna go shopping with me l8ter????? 😜 xx '

I relied with ' 😂 yep xx can't wait but what time?? is 11;30 ok? that way we can have lunch together, right? xx '

So at 11;30 we met at costa coffee and went round the shops for a while. We bought loads of things like typical 15 years old girls do. We bought make up, nail pollish, clothes, shoes eg heels and trainers e.c.t. so we were about to go to to new look when it happened. what i mean by this is that this is where it all really started. So what happened was we were just walking and rose's dad comes walking towards us and asks to talk to rose for a second.

The next thing I know is that I'm in a really warm place. I thought that it was all a dream and that I was in my bed. I decided that I would get out of bed and go downstairs because I felt quite hungry. I was getting up when I hit my head on something hard. trying to figer out what it was i opened my eyes to find blackness, it was like I was in some sort of small, black box like thing. Suddently I started to think that the the thing i thought was a dream really wasn't a dream and that I was hit by a speeding car. Then I thought mayby I was DEAD. Surely there was a way out of this box or coffin or whatever it was, I thought. There was. I felt around for a hatch maybe. I found one, I broke it of and opened the box. I was A coffin i knew this as soon as a pile of dirt fell on top of me. I scraped it away and found my way up out of the coffin. I clibed out of the hole and onto the floor of the graveyard. I screamed at the top of my voice and then frooze as I saw someone standing over me. "Hi" a voice broke from the silence, "I'm Mic, short for Micaleana."

"Hi" I replied

"Hey"she answered

"So how did you die?" she asked me.

"die?" I answered

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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