Erkenci Kus episode 10 recap

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1. We start the episode with Sanem bringing Polen to Can's hut... my heart hurts ...that is Can's hut he only took you there and you just brought his ex there?.... before they go to check Sanem tries to stop Polen from going because she knows Can better even in this short amount of time and knows he would want to be left alone and respects it unlike Polen who says I will just check on him and leave...Can is busted staring at all these pics of sanem and polen sees and is heart broken

2. Polen returns to the taxi and Sanem asks if Can is ok and Polen says Can wants to be alone and im staying.... Sanem is heartbroken she thinks Can asks her to leave to be alone with Polen... I want to hug Sanem that would crush me and so she leaves in the taxi a bit shaken and heart broken

3. Ok When Polen calls out Can's name and Sanem's pictures fly out of his hand and he starts scrambling to covering them up ... im like for the slickest guy in the room ... he can sometimes be a cute dork like hiding the pictures or even staring at them to begin with...its refreshing to see the guy that "has it all together" show his softer less put together side

4. Polen at the hut

a. Can is so mad that she is there- Sanem brought you where is sanem? I thought she went to be with levant? Polen says I don't know maybe she was there and went back to him...and my heart hurts again to see the devastated look of Can hearing her confirm that Sanem was with and is returning to be with Levant ...especially at this hour...He wants to check on sanem to stop her from leaving in the taxi but polen says she already left

b. I love that Can doesn't want Polen there... polen offers to make tea and Can says nope...bc honey only Sanem can make him tea...insert finger snap in a z formation with attitude...he wont even let her sit in the hut he tells her to wait outside ....I mean part of that is so he can put away the pictures but also a part of that was that this is his place of solitude and is private he has no emotional walls in this place is just him....which also makes it even more special that he brought sanem there

c. Can has never told Polen about this place....for years they were together and she did not know about this place...Sanem he told right away...he finally found someone to show both the dark and light side of himself... moonstone reference ;) sigh

5. muzo calling nihat a house husband/ housewife lmao

6. oh ayhan..." Ceycey you and I are great team like..."

a. bonnie and clyde- yep they were a couple now you're getting it ayhan

b. batman and robin- ok getting colder

c. sen and frued- ? I don't get the reference but definitely not what Ceycey wanted to hear...I think he wanted more like Cinderella and prince charming

7. Polen and Can come back from the hut and I didn't remember this but he said the first Keske .... He told polen he wasn't upset at her ... his mood had nothing to do with her aka it only had to do with Sanem and Levant ... then he said Keske/if only I could have come to you when my mood was better rather than you come to me...and that he is upset he is hurting her too is adding to his bad mood

8. I really respect Polen for offering him to stay in his room and she stay in the guest room...but can says no he will sleep outside

9. Sanem writes devastated as we see Can being as well- "reality is disappointing, in dreams everything is infinite – dreams let lovers never end, happiness never end...but now I only have to dream in myself and believe in myself. I'll make myself strong and a happy Sanem....she talks about dreams but Can wrote her with that quill saying don't give up on your dreams....and as she writes later in her confession letter he never reads...He is her dream

Erkenci Kus Episode Recaps 1-51Where stories live. Discover now