The start of it all

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Note: this is my first time and I have little experience with this so pls don't say it's bad.

This story starts all in Accumula town with all the other Pokémon. Some of them are caught to players. Others roam around free for as long as they could. Here, a particular Pokémon that is a furret named
Y/N wanders around the grass with his friends,
Jake, Sydney, and Taylor


Y/N: Now I feel like all Pokémon have a use, but I haven't found my use yet

Jake: What do you mean?

Y/N: You know, Pikachus have the power to supply electricity, Machokes can transport heavy objects, and Arceus is the one that keeps all Pokémon life balanced. But, what do furrets do?

Jake, Sydney, and Taylor (in unison): Hmm...Well...

Y/N: I mean, maybe I'll find it soon...

Y/N returns home and soon gets comfy at his own pile of grass that trainers can't find. He relaxed himself as he listens to his music of the town (if you know the furret walk vids). He/She realizes that maybe She/He can find that answer once She/He leaves on a journey away from his/her town. Y/N soon packs his things and gets ready for the leave. He/She informs his family and friends of the leave, and gets all that he needs


Sydney: Are you sure you don't need to bring us

Y/N: Yes, finding my purpose is something i need to focus and do alone.

Mom: Well, all boys/girls leave home someday. (Pokémon red/blue/green reference)

Dad: I wish you best of luck and take care on your trip there

Taylor: Wait, where exactly are you going

Y/N: I don't know exactly, but I know that I will find out soon

And so, Y/N's journey began...

Hiiiiii, soooo, this is the end of the first chapter. Honestly, this is the first time I actually wrote fanfic. Hope it's good enough and if I don't post in awhile, I'm probably busy with school and my channel. Ok thx for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Furret's travel for a purposeWhere stories live. Discover now