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             "Harry, maybe he's just sick!" Hermione yelled at Harry, while he was drinking the green liquid, Harry potter was once again suspicous of the one and only Draco Malfoy, as he hadn't been to school for a full week, on 'sick leave'. 

"Please, Hermione, when has Malfoy ever been sick?" Harry said the name with distaste. He was sure that Malfoy was up to something, and even Hermione didn't believe him, he was glad to know that Ron was on his side, they were going to figure out just what that filfthy snake was doing.

"I agree with Harry, that snake's probably doing something to help you-know-who win, probably's already a death eater that one." Ron took his potion and started drinking. Hermione was being oddly protective of Malfoy and Ron was going to find out why. There was something going on with Malfoy, the slytherins were oddly calm this week. 

Hermione looked at both of their determined expressions, she knew that they weren't going to give this up. She knew that something was going on in Slytherin house, but if those two bloody wankers would just pay attention to the Slytherins instead of just making accusations, then they would see that the Slytherins looked miserable, especially Zabini and Parkinson, like they barely got sleep, and if they looked bad, she could only imagine what was happening since Malfoy was normally able to keep them all calm and okay, something must be wrong, and she didn't want to make things worse. She knew that she couldn't stop those two, so she just decided to stomp away to go study for 5th years NEWTS.

Ron and Harry watched as Hermione walked away and waited until they changed fully into, Theodore Nott for Harry and Blaise Zabini for Ron, both of whom were which currently stunned in the room of requirement. Once they'd both changed fully, they made their way to the Slytherin common room, they knew the location from their second year, and knew the password from a first year who'd said it a little to loudly. 

"Blood prince." Ron spoke. 

The portrait swinged open and they were in, they quickly rushed in. Harry looked around the common room and was surprised to find only one person who was in there, the one and only Draco Malfoy, classes were over and the common room should've had at least a few other people, what happened to Parkinson? Well, he ignored that for the moment and looked over Malfoy, the Malfoy boy of course had his hair as neat as can be, he wore Slytherin robes and looked, for lack of a better word, like shit. His eyes had bags underneath them and his eyes were half closed, one of his hands was in his hair while the other rested on the couch, maybe he really was just sick. He was just about to start speaking when 

"Draco!" Parkinson cried rushing into the common room. Malfoy's head immediately whipped towards her, looking attentive as if expecting something. 

"We're out of blood repinishing potion and the skin healer, two of them are having terrible insomina and are having hallucinations." She stated with a sad expression. Malfoy sighed and made a move to get up when Ro- Blaise cried out.

"What?" Frankly it was what Harry was also thinking. Malfoy and Parkinson looked over at who they believed were Blaise and Theodore, Malfoy looked a tad bit suprised that he hadn't noticed them, however Parkison looked ecstatic to see them.

"You two! You can go help with Draco, in the boys dorm, go!" She yelled, then she ran out of the common room, leaving Harry and Ron alone with Malfoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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