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            Trying to pass the time was a difficult thing to do. I couldn't stop glancing at the dashboard clock nervously, and as five minutes turned to twenty minutes, I couldn't help but squirm in my seat.

            Mark and Grace were easily conversing in the back seat, and it was an annoying reminder of how I couldn't for the life of me come up with anything to say to Nate. I mean, small talk seemed kind of stupid right now. And besides, I had a crisis on my hands! Where were we even going?!

            "Just tell me where we're going!" I said exasperatedly. I looked over to see Nate perfectly comfortable in his seat, and I twisted around even more to see Mark's arm lazily resting around Grace's shoulder. I guessed the ride to wherever our destination was wasn't going to be a short one. My suspicions were confirmed when he merged onto the highway.  


            I pouted, waiting for him to crack, but he didn't. He just laughed. I dug my nails into the leather interior, my curiosity overwhelming me. If the pout didn't work, I was definitely in a rut.  

            "She'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes..." I sang to myself, relying on my old way of passing the time. "She'll be comin' 'round the mountain, she'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she coooooomes!"

            I guess my singing kind of caught on, because I glanced back to see Mark singing under his breath, "She'll be ridin' six white horses when she comes..."

            "Seriously? Singing a folk song?" Nate asked rhetorically, smiling at me. I blushed a little, sinking further down in my seat.

            "Just teeeellll meeee," I whined, the inner three-year-old emerging inside me. I could be really annoying when I wanted to be. Actually, I could be really annoying without even trying...

            "Okay, whoever sees the top of the Superman first gets five bucks," Mark called from the back. I suddenly sat up straighter in my seat, eyeing the traffic slightly ahead of us, and my eyes widened.

            "SHUT UP!" I practically screamed. Nate smiled, satisfied at my reaction. "SIX FLAGS?!?! I always wanted to go to one! I LOVE rollercoasters! Shut up shut up shut up!" I bounced in my seat, eagerly searching for the top of the ride that so many of my old friends in Canada had told me about.

            My age-old excuse of not going on a roller coaster in the beginning was that they were busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kickin' contest. But really, I had been petrified of them. I mean, just trusting a simple little belt to hold you in a hundred feet above the ground? Please! But when I finally cast away my fear and actually rode one, I found that the feeling of exhilaration and excitement appealed to me. Even the throwing up part wasn't too bad.

            But I would try to refrain of my stomach issues on this particular date... I couldn't imagine Nate seeing me retch into a trash can outside the entrance of the Titan being attractive in any sense.

            Just as I spotted the red tip of the Superman ride, Nate called out, "I see it!" Half a second later, Mark yelled out, "THERE IT IS!!!"

            "I win," Nate said smugly. After a silent and short glaring contest via the rearview mirror, Mark reluctantly pulled out his wallet and handed a 5-dollar-bill to Nate. I quickly snatched it away and pocketed it before Nate could react.

            "Hey! That's mine," he snapped, but I could see the teasing in his eyes. I tried to keep down the blush that came along with Nate looking into my eyes, and smiled flirtatiously. At least, I hoped it came off that way.

            "Whoever can ride the most roller coasters gets to keep it. Deal?" I offered. His beautiful eyes sparkled, and he stuck out his hand, the other still clutching the steering wheel.


(A/N: Just in case you don't know what Six Flags is, it's an amusement park... AND IT'S AWESOME. This coming from a girl who can't stand roller coasters. I mean, I'll ride ONE of them, and it just goes up and down. No flips. No sudden turns. And never too high. Anyways, I hoped you liked this... it was sorta last minute... and random!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2010 ⏰

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