Chapter 25

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Linya's POV (Oh yeah, I went there.)

As usual, I didn't actually sleep. I went to my safe spot, the one place where the voices stopped. Isa scared me. Yet, she concerned me all the same. She seemed so scared of herself, terrified, actually. Terrified of what was happening to her. I was scared for my tongue. Im curious about this girl. Her secrets outnumber mine, which is a lot. A plan bubbled up in my mind, one that might actually work. I exited my safe spot and the voices bombarded my brain, whispering things that, this time, I could ignore. Its time for what I do best, infuriate incredibly powerful people.
Okay all, this was simply a little insight on Linya and how her mind kinda works. As I did not want to offend the creator of Linya, Im trying to be a little cautious. Thanks! Also, I reccomend listening to Monster by Imagine Dragons whilst reading the next two or three chapters.

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