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Lois Lane: [Lands in front of Anti-Monitor, who is down on one knee; hatefully.] I told you. You'd die for that!

[She takes hold of the back of Anti Monitor's head and bashes her hammer deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while Anti-Monitor cries out in pain]

Anti-Monitor: [Weakly] You should have... you... [suddenly stronger] you should have gone for the head! [Anti-Monitor releases a wave of anti matter]

Lois Lane: NO!

Lois: What'd you do? [Angrily] WHAT'D YOU DO?! 

[Anti-Monitor nearly seems to not notice Lois before he teleports away, leaving her hammer behind on Central City.]

Barry Allen: [Stumbles into the clearing, holding his left side] Where'd he go? Lois... where'd he go?

Leonard Snart: Barry? 

[Snart suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Barry's shock; he walks over and touches the ground where Snart's ashes evaporated disbelievingly.]

[On the battlefield, many of the reality jumpers are degraded by the anti matter wave, much to Wally's horror.]

Curtis Holt: [While reaching for a fallen Mari] Up, Vixen. Up! This is no place to die. [Curtis Holt holds out his hand for Vixen. He suddenly disintegrates  and, in anguish, Mari falls back on the ground.]

Mari: Kumkani?!

Elongated Man: [Slowly corrodes into ashes as well by Nate] Oh come on...

Nate: No... no. No. No. No! Ralph, no...

[Nia is mourning over Brainy. She then disintegrates. An injured Rene turns to ashes, hidden in the undergrowth.]

John Diggle: [Searching for Sam, missing him by only a few feet] Rene? Rene!? Where you at?!

[In the Antimatter Universe, the remaining members of the Legends and Justice League collect themselves -- Zari props up Roy, William helps Oliver to his feet, Mick and Laurel manage to limp over on their own.]

Zari: Something... is... happening. [She disintegrates into ashes.]

Mick: [To Roy as he dissolves] Roy?

[Roy stares in horror.]

Oliver Queen: [Staring panicked at the slowly fading Roy] Steady, Roy.

Roy Harper: Aw, man. [Roy also gets disintegrated]

John Constantine: [Calmly turns to Queen] Oliver, there was no other way, mate. [He pulls out a cigarette then finally gets erased.]

William Clayton: [Realizes he's fading away] Dad? I don't feel so good...

Oliver Queen: [Trying to be calm, his voice shaking as he looks at William in terror] You're all right.

William Clayton: [Stumbling and terrified] I don't know what's -- I don't know what's happening. I don't-- [Clayton falls into Queen's arms, clutching him tight while beginning to cry.] I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, dad, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go... [There is a short silence before Peter speaks again] I'm sorry. [Clayton disintegrates in Stark's arms.]

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