Part I: The Night Before the Incident

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Julia was in her room blasting music as she was getting ready for the biggest night of her teenage life. Prom. She was lip syncing to Dancing Queen by ABBA as she got a text message from her best friend Abigail.

Hey when are you going to be ready, I'm about to get the limo for prom.

Julia read this and started to text back while putting her shoes on.

K I'm almost ready. I'm so excited! !

As she sent that text and rushed downstairs knowing that getting the limo means that she is almost there and that Julia should hurry up. As she thought, the limo was already outside with Abby and her boyfriend Brandon in the hood. Julia waved as she saw her own boyfriend, Jacob stepping out. Julia yelled bye to her parents as she hopped into the limousine. Abby was going to win prom queen so they were ready.

"So are you ladies ready for the best night of your lives", Brandon said as Julia sat down.

"Who isn't", Julia said " I mean we get to make memories with all our friends"

"How about we stop talking and start the party", Abby said as she turned on music on the ginormous speakers. Abby was your typical blue eyed blondie, with the perfect body. As Julia was brown eyed and brown hair.

Everyone was hyped from the music right until they pulled up to the school.

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