The Black Immortal Dragon and Clay puppet

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   Many eons ago, in a different realm and time lived a mighty immortaldragon who ruled the vast heavens above vast fertile lands andthe deep seas thriving with life. The mountains were full of ores,trees and teeming with wild life, both great and small.

   After awhile, the humans discoveredthese lands and quickly moved in. They slowly build their settlementsand quickly learned that there was a dragon governing these newlands.

   At first, they lived withoutbothering the dragon.  The mighty dragon never botheredthem. On the surface, everyone assumed the above mentioned beast wasa big stupid predator.  It only took a few andfar-in-between encounters with the dragon to learn that this was notthe case. He was not only intelligent, he hadmagic. On top of that, He was the caretaker of these lands. He askedthem not to fear or worship him.

    He only asked that the new settlersdid not abuse the lands and help him safeguard what he had alreadycreated. A vast rich land with a thriving ecosystem. The dragon was more than happy toshare and watch the humans settle-in.

   One would have thought this was allof fine and dandy. The dragon kept other bigger magical beings andother dragons from harassing and destroying the growing settlements.

   But as the saying goes, "Thebanquet has to come to an end eventually.". Just like the seasonsand the tides, the situation changed. To be precise the humansettlers changed. It only took a handful ofgenerations before a discontent of the status quo started to permeatethe now numerable settlements. The newer generation expressed ahuge dislike to be under what they perceived as being under theruling thumb of the big dumb beast.

   This new group of unhappyinhabitants quickly decided they go do a better job of governance.Why be rules by a dumb beast?, Completely forgoing the fact this wasin fact an intelligent magical beast. Now for the great immortal dragon'spart, he had been listening and watching. After some consideration hedecided it was time to do something about the growing discontent.

  After careful consideration, hetook a breath and pick up some clay. Eyeing the settlements from highabove his perched, he carefully crafted a female form. He hemmed andhe hawed, before becoming satisfied with the result in his hands. Standing up to his full height, heheld the small figurine in front of him, before opening his great mawand blew fire over the figurine. The fire was no ordinary dragon'sfire breathe. The figurine first glowed bright red before it cooleddown just as quick and a bright light flashed.

    He smirked and nodded his head, Thefigurine, now a fully female human being nodded in respect beforeclothing herself and walking away.  She was exotic looking with eyesthat tilted flirtatiously, had long lithe legs and fine curtain ofsilky black hair. She set forth from the dragon'slair and headed to the first nearest town to carry out his commands.

   Upon arrival, she smiledgracefully at the first male she came across and he were instantly smitten. She flirted, laughed andflattered the male. She did the same for the next male she cameacross.  She worked her way through thepopulation, causing fights between spouses and lovers. She broke a few hearts then broke afew more, made a few promises and kept absolutely none.  Then the great immortal dragon'spuppet moved to the next town and repeated the same behavior, againand again. Enticing with a gentle smile and a careful wink, a subtlecaress of a hand, well, you all get the picture.  It was not before long fightsbetween groups of males from different towns started, before longbetween cities, until finally, it was utter chaos.

    A great number of the humanpopulation were completely caught in this huge illusion. Those who never realized what washappening, never woke up from the enchantment. A few did and they suffered nomore. But for those who did not. It was a sad fate.  Those who never woke up from theirgrand illusion suffered. In their final end, at the very height of this illusion, then slowly turned tostone before crumbling to dust before their horrified families andfriends.

   Those ensnared by what they saw inthe clay puppet showed the dragon what was really in their hearts andby chance those around them as well. The illusion came to its finalend. Ending abruptly as it started without fanfare. Those whosurvived it, never thought again to cross the dragon, not in words or in deeds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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