Chapter 1

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I woke up with cold sweat onto my face, panting as I felt my heart pounding from my chest. I was dreaming for the 7th time that I was in Xeleya and I felt my entire body crushed as I made it there. I screamed so loudly that nobody helped me get up or sent any doctors for me. The dream ended and my head was hurting really badly and I went to sick bay and spoke to one of the doctors, Dr. Beckham, since Claire wasn't there at the moment.

"Captain, how can I help you?" He asked.

"My head hurts. Do you think I can take ibuprofen?" I said, feeling lightheaded.

"We'll have to see. Lie down and let me check." He instructed as I laid down on the bed. I felt my head hurting more than before.

"Sir, if by any means, you have a concussion." Dr. Beckham said.

"Any idea how?" I asked.

"Do you remember hitting your head hard?" He said, seeing if I remember anything.

"I was in Xelaya, talking to Ildris and some man shot me." I told him.

"Well, it appears that not only your shins got crushed there, but the fall impacted your head." He explained. Great. Just fucking great. I thought. "Until then, you can't be on duty for a while." He said.

"Everything feels weird." I said, trying to get up.

"Captain, I want you to rest a lot and not do anything strenuous." Dr. Beckham said in a serious tone. I went to my quarters and laid down in the couch, taking a nap. The door chimed as I woke up and I answered it. It was Gordon who showed up.

"Hey Ed. You haven't shown up to duty, are you alright?" He asked.

"I will be. Just a concussion and that's it." I explained to him how it happened.

"Get well soon." He answered and hugged me.

"Thanks." I smiled, chuckling quietly. Gordon went back to the bridge and I continued taking my nap. I was seriously in so much pain that I felt like I was going to explode. I woke up 4 hours later and went to the bridge.

"Ed, what are you doing? You're supposed to be in your quarters." Kelly said.

"I was too restless and I need someone to take care of me." I answered.

The throbbing pain in my head is hurting and I went back to my quarters and as I was about to get there, I collapsed and felt my entire body seizing up, leading to a seizure. Someone on the ship noticed and I was sent to sick bay. I don't know who it was but I am glad they noticed me like this. I was laying in a bed and looked down in embarrassment. "Shit." I muttered.

"Shit, indeed. Captain, you realize you could've suffered worse if Lieutenant Preston didn't find you." Claire said sternly.

"I'm sorry." I frowned, getting up. She stopped me and put me back in my bed.

"You're not going anywhere, Sir. You're staying until your concussion clears up."


"Edward Mercer, quit acting like a child."

A few days later, I was feeling much better and went back to work. Everyone clapped and cheered. I swore I saw someone that looked like Alara, but it wasn't. I broke down in tears and went to my office as I ran there.

"Ed, are you alright?" Kelly said from behind the door. She walked away afterwards. The fact it'll be a month since Alara went back to Xeleya still breaks my heart because I could've stopped her but I didn't and I feel so bad for not doing so. I wiped my eyes and went back to doing my paperwork.


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