My Story

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IDEK if I'm good at writing so please give me feedback and be nice. Btw some of the stuff that happens in the story has actually happend to me so be nice.

Ariana's POV

"Try hard"

"Suicidal asshole"

"Waste of space"


The names, remarks and horrible words I heard everyday as I walked the halls of my school. All my life I had been bullied for being different, more mature I guess. I'd never really had a normal life, well as normal as it could have been. I've had to grow up quickly. Ever since I was little I've always had to be quiet independent, not that it's a bad thing just, whats the word..........difficult.

I guess you want to know about me, right? Find out why people are this horrible to me.

All my life I've had to deal with both of my parents having bipolar, they were always going into hospital and I couldn't see my mum for weeks, being so young I just thought it was all my fault.

I remember my first day of school, I thought school would be great, but what I got was bullies. I wanted that day to be over but I got home and my mum wasn't there, my dad was. Lets just say I'd never been close with my dad, he was always working, I guess I was forgotten about in a way.

For years I had to live with one of my parents not always being there, I was quiet lonley and shy. As I got older the bullies got worse, school was the last place I wanted to be. I would always get into trouble (I wasnt the best growing up, behaviour wise). Then it got to year 7, I still hated school, more than ever, my attitude had changed, I just went to school with a smile even though I could'nt bare to go. Soon the year was almost over and I thought it was one of the best years I'd had, up until 22 October 2013, that day everything changed.

I went to my dad's (my parents didnt live together) and he sent me to my granddads as usual, he was way to busy with his work for me. He told me to ring my mum which was weird cause I had literally just got to his house. I was going back to my mums. I didn't know what was happening, actually no one knew what was happening. After that day I'd never seen my dad again. Yes, he did run away.

My mum had to be put in a mental hospital thingy and I lived with my aunt for at least 2 months.
I felt like nothing was going right, my dad fucking left me, my mum was in hospital and I could'nt see her, I didnt have many friends and school was shit. I lost control basically.

Cutting was 'trending' I guess you could say and the cool kids were trying it (no they were not depressed they just thought it was cool I guess). I had always got bored in class easily and I used to pull my pencil sharpeners apart, not for self harm i was just bored.

I got home and started drawing, I found one of the blades and decided to cut, only once. It hurt so much and I knew that I wasn't going to do that ever again, well so I thought.
The next year everything started to get better, my mum was okay, school was okay I still hated it but it was bearable, it was my last year so I was glad to get out of there, I still didn't know where my dad was but I didn't really care, we weren't close at all. I thought tings were getting better but I was still sad, then it all got too much and I came across the blades again. I didn't think and I cut. I don't even know why I did but it happened.

I started posting on Instagram about all the shit that was going on in my life, it was a way to vent because I didn't have anyone to talk to. None of my friends knew what was going on. Soon enough people at my school started finding my account and the bullying became a huge problem. There wasn't a day where I could just get on with my work everyone would make some little remark. I'd be walking to get to a class and all I heard was people gosiping about me. I couldn't take it much longer, so I attempted suicide. It did't work and I was so angry.

By now almost everyone at school knew about my suicide attempts that followed and it was no longer a secret. I know this sounds like some sort of movie, her life was shit but some famous band "saved her" but it's what happend. I started getting internet friends and everyday I was becoming more online. I never really did anything apart from go on all kinds of social media. Instagram, Twitter, Wattpad, and then Youtube. I found a band, they weren't very famous but they were really good singers. It was like an escape were you could watch videos. It was an escape, for the few minutes that I watched these videos I forgot about all the shit that was going on.

Anyway, this is my story, Part 1.

Sorry for the extremely long and boring chapter but I didn't want ths to be the same as most fan fiction's and if none of this happened it wouldn't make much sense. PLEASE COMMENT AND LIKE!!!!! <3

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