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Deep down in the molten center of the Earth's core loud wails filled the air along with heavy sobbing, "how could this happen? My boy, my baby boy!"

"Dad...Dad!" the wailing was cut short by the sound of a suitcase slamming, "can you please stop with the dramatics?"

"Now Jr, go easy on your father. He's still grieving" his mother commented as his father cried into her shoulder clinging to her as he sobbed. "You know how attached he's been to you since you were just a little egg." With a long groan, he pulled off his glasses rubbing his temples in frustration at his father's hysterics. It wasn't enough to be the son of a demonic creature from the center the Earth, he had to have a clingy father too.

"I haven't been an egg since winter camp when I hatched and 'borrowed' this body, which was about eighteen years ago" he explained putting his glasses back on before packing another bag.

"Oh right! It's been so long I suppose we all just accepted this as being your natural form, whatever happened to the b-"

"Mom, don't think about it too much, this is my body now okay? We should just leave it at that."

She nodded not wanting to think her own son might have ever been capable of heinous acts against anyone despite who his father might be. "Anyway, this is a huge change for your father. You're leaving town to go to college after all! Why must you go so far away from home, anyway? Your cousin Billy got into Endsville U with Mandy and Irwin."

He surveyed the room for any items he may have missed after his parents barged in. "Billy only got in because Grim tricked the board into accepting his application so they can all stick together. And that is exactly what I want to get away from now that I'm an adult."

"I don't want to constantly be caught up in the crazy bullshit adventures of Billy and Mandy. Monsters overrunning the town, Grim's scythe always being stolen, and the fact they're a magnet for every supernatural nutcase in existence," he glanced at his father "no offense dad,".

Nergal sniffled wiping his nose on his sleeve "none taken, son", Jr smiled patting his shoulder "I just want to spend my college years in peace and be, ya know, normal."

Meanwhile at the Dweezewold Mansion in Middlington ants marched in a neat little line carrying clothing from a bedroom closet all the way to an old trunk at the foot of a bed. "Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it," said Creepie Creecher bringing a framed family photo to the trunk carefully placing it inside "I'm almost packed." On her bed, her mother wiped away tears as her father stood close by for comfort "oh my little girl, even after watching thousands of little ones grow up and leave the nest over the years it hasn't gotten any easier to see my babies go". Creepie came to her mother's side sitting on the bed "leaving is hard for me too mom, but I need to go out and see the world on my own. Really figure out my place among humans and where I fit in as an adult, I made some good friends as a kid and I want to make even more as an adult."

"But no matter how far apart we are you guys are my family and I will always love you, nothing can change that" she reassured her before getting up to close the trunk once it was filled. "I'm all set! Time to get on the road" she got into an old purple pick up truck looking out the window at her family who all waved goodbye to her from the porch. With a deep breath to calm her nerves, she gave one last goodbye before starting up the truck and heading down the road.

Down at sunny Pendragon U freshmen were coming in for move-in day the parking lot jam-packed with cars and upperclassmen directing traffic to prevent any incidents from over-eager students. Near a secluded back part of the school, the ground opened up to reveal bright red flames and small demons trying to crawl up onto to Earth before being dragged back in by black tentacles. In a swift movement, Jr hoisted himself up by his tentacles once the demons were pulled back down "ugh I hate when vermin tag along" he muttered lowering to the ground closing his hand into a fist to make the crater close. "Easy as traveling underground is, I should look into a bike or something since I doubt people would be cool with me opening up the gates of hell just to grab a burger" he blew out a small flame on his shoulder before grabbing his bag and to check in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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