Taken By Her Desires (Short Story)

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Read at your own Risk , oke?


In a far away land, There is a girl named Alice who was abused by her parent and sisters. Everyday she always do chores and treated as a maid in her own house. The house is the last gift her father gave to her before he died.

One day, Alice was doing laundry when a neighbor came to say hi.

Neighbor: Hello Alice, Why are you washing that again ?
Alice:  It seems like they want me to do it again because of these red stains.
Neighbor: I'm pretty sure they intentionally poured that.
Alice: I don't know (she said while making a sad face) maybe i didn't saw these stains yesterday.
Neighbor: No, I saw how clean that clothes yesterday.

The Neighbor gave her a chlorine that can remove any kind of dirt in a cloth.

Neighbor: Hopefully, it can help you.
Alice: Thank you very much, big Sis 😊

She smiled and waved as the neighbor walked away.
Unknown to everyone, she was the one who poured the red wine in her twin sister dresses. When the twin saw her, they immediately rushed to their mother to accuse Alice.
But Alice blamed the situation to them.

Alice: Why would i do that, stepmom? You know how hard it is to remove these stains.

She wiped her crying face.
Because of Alice disturbing attitude, the Mother believed her and grounded the twins for slurring Alice.

Mother: Don't worry Alice. I'll assure you that i will punish them, okay?

She nodded showing that she was really oppressed. She then bowed her head and smirked with the thought of her sisters receiving the punishment.

Mother: You two !

She pointed her fingers to the twin sisters.

Mother: As your punishment, you have to full these baskets of 'makopa' everyday! 

That was the only thing she thought that will help her two daughters.
To get them away from her loony stepdaughter.

Twins: BUT! Having a Makopa is harder to find than to catch a fish, mother!
Mother: No Buts, you have to learn that there is an equivalent action for your misdeeds.

'Whut?! The punishment is too easy for them?!' she said in her mind

Alice glared at her stepmother, making the adult to step backward.
The Mother knew that she isn't satisfied with the punishment she gave to the twin.

Alice: Mother! I think sending them off to the forest is too dangerous for them.

She faced the twin and hold their hands.
The two girls are frightened just by the actions Alice made.
What more with what's going on in her mind.

Alice: Don't worry, i'll replace the two of you. 

She smiled and made sure that they'll feel at ease. The Twins felt as if a needle was taken out from their heart.
The were secured, not until Alice moved her mouth again.

Alice: BUT (She smiled widely) you have to clean the ground floor Kitchen as well as the boiler room.

Then their eyes widened. Even their Mother was Shocked.
She and Alice knew that the ground floor of the house is the most dangerous place you can stay. You can imagine it as spooky as a haunted house. 

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