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         I awoke it was dark we were moving.  A man In a mask came to get me out of the truck he had a AK47.   I can see now I'm in some type of a camp maybe a war camp there were lots of guns and prisoners.  (2 years later)  I have seen lots of people come & go but I've never got out of here.  I’ve made some friends over the year’s most have left this place but Ii can't .  (3 months later) i'm planning an escape  i'm going to grab one of the guards knock him out take his mask & his vest so the other guards don't notice me i'm going to hop on one of the supply trucks & that is how i'm going to escape.

it is time for the plan iI go outside  Ii grab the first gard i see it works i'm out of the camp.  i jump into the ditch i lay there for what seems like hours the coast is clear now i run to a nearby town i find an abandoned warehouse i sleep on the floor.  i awake i look for food i find a 700 centerfire rifle i go hunting i caught a rabbit had a nice meal.   i have to be careful that i don’t get caught by the men that took me from my family.  

(5 years later) i've found an abandoned tank i'm driving it around i'm dominating everything i've already driven through a building, over 4 cars, and over 6 people. it was fun for the time that i had the tank ran out of gas.  i found some body armor in the town i think i can go free the people that have been captured in that camp i’ve got enuf gear ill get them for what they did to me my family and friends.

i arrived at the camp and am out side i'm going to break in first i have to throw a grenade in and take out some of the guards. the general is alerted that there is an escapee. he tells the turret guards to look for anyone outside the wall and they see me and put a spotlight on me so everyone can see where i'm at i manage to get inside and grab my friends but they see me and have dogs i stop dead in my tracks they grab me and……..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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