the rings of arzieckel

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The doctor and peri were in the tardis and it was shaking up and down and all over the place. “PERI!!” the doctor yelled at his compainion. “HOLD THAT BUTTON DOWN!!”. Peri held down the button. The TARDIS landed safely on land. The doctor walked out onto a desert. “is everything okay doctor?” Peri asked. “why yes Peri, everything is fine” the Doctor answered. Peri grabbed her jacket and walked out of the tardis. The doctor kneeled down and touched the sand. He gripped it tightly in his fingers. “rough, soft and light” the doctor said to himself. “Peri, it turns out we have landed on arzieckel.” The doctor told her. “look doctor” Peri said pointing to a cave. The doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and slowly walked over to the cave. After about 20 minutes of walking in the cave they found a dead end. Slowly another TARDIS started to show up in the cave. The doctor gave a puzzled look. A man walked out. he wore a tie, a trench coat, sneakers, 3-D glasses, spiked up hair, and had big noticeable sideburns. He spoke in a thick British accent. “Hello” he said “im the doctor and who are you?”. “Doctor Who?” the doctor asked. “No, you’ve got it all wrong, I’m the doctor”. The doctor thought of a genius idea of asking him questions to prove he was a doctor. “Then what is the villain with big black eyes, long fingers, and a full green body?” the doctor asked. The other doctor replied “Slitheen for sure”. The doctor was shocked. “how can he be the doctor?” the doctor thought. “alright, on the count of 3 say your favorite candy” the doctor tried to test him again. They counted at the same time. “3…2…1… JELLY BABIES!!!” they both said on the exact moment “darn” the doctor thought. “how is it possible to have two of the same person?” asked the doctor. The other doctor replied “well, arzieckel caves do have the ability to send anybody to any source of randomized time whilst breaking any possible time and space law anywhere or anytime.”. “how do we send you back?” the doctor asked. The other doctor tried to blow him off topic. “hi, im the doctor number ten, but everybody calls me John Smith” he said. “that’s nice but still, how do we send back?”. 10 sighed. “well, you cant” 10 replied discreetly. “well there cant be two of us.” The doctor said. As soon as he said that, Another tardis showed up. Another, yet different man walked out the tardis. He had short curly hair, a bolo tie, and a multicolored rainbow jacket. He walked out smiling but when he saw the 2 doctors he screamed and ran back in his tardis. They both followed him in. “DON’T HURT ME!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. “who are you?!” the doctor said with a snarl. “im the doctor” the man said. The doctor and ten both face palmed. “yes, but which number doctor are you?” ten asked. “UM??” the man said. It took a bit of time for him to think. “six” he finally answered. They both shared their numbers. Six walked out in panic.  “how could this be possible?!?!” he screamed. Ten started talking. “well, we don’t know that either, but what we do-“ the doctor pushed him out of the way and interrupted. “check this out” he said pointing at an old dirty dusty piece of jewelry.  “so,” 6 started saying. “its just a ring”. “no, I think this could be the reason we got here.” Said the doctor. He reached down and touched it. He felt a magnetic pull. The more he tried to pull away, the closer he was pushed. He started to get warm. The ring flew onto his finger faster than light. He started getting yellow. “STAND BACK!!” he yelled. Lightning came out of his hands as if he was regenerating.  The doctor started screaming. He tried to pull the ring off but it was no use. But then, it was all over. They thought the doctor had regenerated, but… he wasn’t there. Just a big pile of ash. “NOOOOO!!!” Peri screamed. She thought he was dead. “Peri, PERI!!” 6 yelled as he pulled her back from grabbing the ash. “Peri, calm down, will you!?” 10 said grabbing onto Peri’s shoulders. “if the doctor were dead, I wouldn’t be here”. She started to feel better. Then 6 had an amazing idea.  He was about to tell 10, but as soon as you could say “tardis”, another tardis started womping in the cave. A man walked out again. He had curly grey hair and a big nose. He was wearing a black suit with red ruffles, a velvet red coat and a curly white shirt under it.  “oh, dear lord!” the man said as he walked back in the tardis. The two stormed in his tardis. “where did you send him?!?!” ten yelled angrily, assuming that the man was an evil reverse doctor. But he was wrong. It was doctor number 3.


The doctor was knocked out and stranded in a big waterfall. A man with a dark black holographic helmet walked up. He also had a robe on. He pulled out a spear with a sharp tip. He tried to stab the doctor but he pulled back. His two identical guards grabbed him and tied him up to a pole. There were 3 other people there. There was a news lady, a scarred professor, and the doctors old young friend: Adric. “ADRIC!!” the doctor yelled. Adric started to whisper “hey doctor. Ive been trying to get out for almost a whole week.” The doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and cut the ropes Adric had been stuck on. He snuck away quietly. The dark man acted like he didn’t notice. He used a button on his helmet that made him teleport. He teleported in front of Adric. And sliced him into small pixels. He had disappeared. “NOOOOOO!!!” the doctor screamed in shock. The man walked up about to slice the doctor as well, but he got distracted. One final tardis appeared. Out walked ten other men, including 10, 6, and 3. They all stood in a semi-circle.  “who are you and why are you here?!?!” the dark man said in a deep Dalek like voice. Ten started to speak. “oh, who are we?... we are the doctors.”. “IMPOSSIBLE!!” said the dark man. 8 picked up his sonic screwdriver and cut the doctors ropes. The doctor fell to the ground. “goodbye doctor” 10 said. The rest of them replied, “goodbye doctor”. The doctor waved back with a smirk. “we will see you next regeneration” 6 said. The doctor even shed a tear. They each started to regenerate one by one. Lightning was everywhere. Lots of things were burning. They each tried to aim the lightning at the man. One lucky shot coming from 3, just so happened to hit him. The man too started to regenerate. When it all stopped everyone was gone. All of the guards fell straight to the ground. Peri slowly walked out of the tardis. “PERI!!” the doctor yelled as he ran towards her. Peri got excited. They ran face to face and ended up kissing.(imagine happy sorrow loud music playing in the background) they pulled away. “doctor!” Peri said “where have you been this whole time?”  “Missing you, Peri” the doctor said.

Peri gave him a hug. The doctor pushed off. He started walking towards the tardis. He bent down and felt the ashes. “Goodbye, new friend” the doctor said.  The doctor and peri walked together into the tardis. The doctor pulled onto many switches. He noticed that he still was wearing his ring. He then pulled it off. He pulled a switch and the womping noise started to rise. The tardis flew away. They felt as if the doctor and peri got away all safe and sound. Then BOOM!! The tardis shook all over the place. the doctor looked out of the tardis window. It was the dark man who turned out to be mad. “how is he even alive” the doctor said to himself. “we have to get out of here, the tardis has no safety mechanisms” Peri said loudly to the doctor. “you think I didn’t know that!!??” the doctor replied angrily. The door took many shots. The exact same guard’s as before barged through. They had giant laser rifles. “come with us” one of the leaders said. The doctor and peri put their arms up. Then all of the sudden the guard’s died and all fell over at the exact same moment. It was ten. “TEN!!” the doctor yelled with delight. Ten grabbed a gun and shot the ship the man was driving. It started falling towards the bottom of the galaxy. “ I thought you were dead” the doctor said. He pulled a laser pistol from a gun holder and held it to the doctors head. He then pressed his head as if it was a button. A holographic transition turned him back into the dark man. flashbacks occurred. The doctor was reminded that he made a full on regeneration potion. “I am forcing you to give me one last request” the doctor demanded. He went through his filing cabinets only to find.. a beaker filled with a golden liquid. He pulled the liquid from his cabinet and swished it down with a puckered face. He dropped it to the ground and started to turn yellow. He was finally regenerating. When it had finished, the doctor was turned to a dimpled man with red ginger hair and a thick American accent. He pushed out the last amount of energy towards the dark man. He was reacted to the energy ball and fell out of the tardis. “you did it doctor!!” peri screamed. The man was gone once again. “how wonderful” the doctor said. “well” he started saying “I must land on earth to find something non itchy to wear”. He started to turn the tardis towards earth.Once again, the tardis womped up on an old abandoned storage locker from the 1970’s. the doctor found a white long sleeved, wrinkled up shirt, a fedora with a translucent blue stream of ribbon falling from the back, and a old, blue, yarn poncho with a yellow and red stripe through the middle. The new doctor and Peri walked slowly into the tardis with good hopes of the new adventures. “why Peri” the doctor said. “lets go".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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