4: All's Fair in Bananas & Onions

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Chapter 4

Harry's piercing green eyes look into mine and he puts his hand out.

I'm looking into Harry Styles' eyes. Let us take a second and appreciate the fact that I'm staring into his eyes. His eyes are... perfect. His hair is perfect, too. His facial expression - it looks just like the poster that's on my wall next to the - OH MY GOSH I'M SUPPOSED TO GET OUT OF THE CAR. I feel like an idiot for making him wait while my thoughts wandered off into dreamland. It probably was only a couple of seconds, but it felt much longer. Earth to Andie...

Harry's hand helps me out of the limo.

"So, what's this place like? I've never been to a five-star restaurant before. " I ask.

Liam is the first to respond, as he's walking next to me and isn't involved in the Niall-Louis-Zayn catfight going on.

"Well, basically, it is a very upscale place, where we can dine in elegance and pretend like we're mature young adults." he tells me in a scholarly tone. "Don't worry about being sophisticated enough. You're going to a five-star restaurant with Louis Tomlinson." He smiles at me. Something flutters inside my stomach, and I smile back.

We approach the door to the restaurant and the doorman ushers us inside.

"FOOD, let's get some food, mates!" Niall announces as he powerwalks into the restaurant.

We all simultaneously facepalm.

"Niall! Be quiet! It's a five-star restaurant, not Nando's!" Liam urgently whispers.

Niall starts laughing and I restrain from doing the same. Three hostesses motion for us to follow them, and we're led across the restaurant and into the farthest corner. Our table has those velvet ropes around it like they have in a movie theatre. "VIP" , the plaque attached to the rope says.

VIP? Oh, yeah, I'm with ONE DIRECTION. I'm still finding it hard to believe that I'm really here.

I take my seat on the left side of the table. Liam sits to my right, Harry to my left.

Harry reaches over the table and whispers in Louis' ear, "I dare you to scream something random at that cute waitress." Louis nods, like, game on. The waitress comes over, and Louis says - believably astonished -


The waitress gives him a weird look and asks without any hint of sarcasm in her voice, "Did you mean the Boeuf Bourguignon? Yes, it's a house specialty."

Louis opens his menu, and sure enough right there under 'Chef Specials' is a bouef bourguignon - whatever that is. Our table explodes with laughter; This date with One Direction is going to be amazing. I'd better enjoy it while it lasts.


(A/N: It's Katie(: Thank you SO much for reading and voting. It's been really cool to know that people are liking this story.

A nice comment would make my day. *hint hint*. But a critical comment would help me in the long run, so don't be afraid to leave those, too.

Maria said that in writing this, I should project the scents of strawberries and coconuts. Consider them projected(;

Thanks again and may the army of butterflies grow!(; - Katie (1/2 of Amethyst Butterflies))

All's Fair in Love and One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now