Short story

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Autumn leaves

"Sure. You can say it. Its weird that i've never left my house. I haven't stepped outside in almost 10 years. You can call me crazy. Or lunatic. It doesn't matter. I have people that take care of me it's fine. I like it indoors. I feel more safe. I am safe. Nothing can hurt me from inside here. I don't need to be outside. I don't want to go outside! I don't ever want to leave this place and I'm never going to!......"

"Ms. Mola, do you know why I am here?"

"Because my over worried siblings think i'm not living my life, but I am."

"No.... it is not because of your siblings that I am here"  ''Try again, think harder this time"

"I don't know, that's all I can think of"

"Ms. Mola.. I am here because you asked me to be here"

Everyday after school I would lie on the grass and watch the clouds slowly move across the sky. I've always wondered how each cloud shape was created. Sometimes ill close my eyes and let the wind guide me to a new cloud. Then another. And another. Its ongoing. Continuous. There's so many clouds, too much for me to count all of them. Then there's the leaves. Yellow, orange, green, red. Thousands of them on trees. On the ground. In the sky. They remind me of my sister. And my little brother. Everyday after school. We count the clouds. We make new shapes of them. We count the colorful leaves and we crunch every single one we can find. We never stay inside. Everyday after school, we run through the woods laughing. My sister and i play hand games as my younger brother gathers sticks. The cool autumn air makes me shiver. Maybe I should've brought a coat.

"Vi, i told you to bring a jacket, see what did i say?"

"What are you talking about sis, i'm not cold at all'

"Yeah? Let me see your hands" my sister grabs my ice cold hands and grins at me.

"Ok maybe i'm a little cold" I began to laugh and she laughs along with me.

"Let's go back inside, Neko come on, we will be back tomorrow."

My younger brother Neko drops his sticks and heads inside. My older sister Serena grabs my hand and leads me inside the house. I let go of her grip.

"But.. Rena we just got here, we didn't finish playing" im upset, i don't like it indoors, it's boring. 

"We will come back, just like we do every single day after school" she tries to explain this to me but i don't listen.

"Look outside, its beautiful! The trees and the sun, look at all those shapes of clouds and the colorful leaves look at them sister, Do you see how beautiful!?" I want to go outside and stay there forever.

"Yes, Vi i see it, but I don't want you getting sick now come back inside where it's warm, ill make you some hot chocolate"

"No! I want to stay here with the leaves and the wind, the sun will keep me warm I promise." I run back outside and start to gather the autumn leaves.

"The cold wind will make you sick and i can't take care of you as good as i was before!" I ignore her and continue playing with the leaves.

"Viola come back inside right now!" she yells at me. She never yells at me.

"Why? Why do you care so much! You're not Mom!." my eyes tear up just by remembering her and the sound of Serena's loud voice takes over me.

She walks towards me angry and Neko follows along usure of what's even happening. I run towards the leaves in the middle of the road. Neko follows me to also play along. We both jump on the cold leaves that covers the cold road. I moved over to a tree that I find has more pretty leaves as niko stayed on the road. I knew I made a mistake once i saw that shiny red car speeding from down the street.

"Viola! Neko! ITS NOT SAFE!" she screams running towards neko trying to get him out of the way, but it was too late.

The car was fast. So fast. And the leaves went flying everywhere. She was only 15, Neko had just turned 7.

"Ms. Mola Your siblings have been dead for more than 9 years. Now tell me... why is it that you can never leave the house?" 

I look over to the window, to the puffy clouds, to the trees, and all of the children coming back from school laughing with their friends jumping into the colorful autumn leaves. A tear slips down my cheek as I watch them. I turn back to face the woman in front of me.

"Its not safe...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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