Here's a story about me.
There were these times when when I had to get up (everyone does at some point) so my mom yelled, "Get Up!". BUT then I started having dreams that I already was up. So it was very confusing to think I was up and then I had to actually get up. But that's not it. Then I started having dreams that I already had the dream that I was up and was up. It was crazy to think that I had the dream that I already had the dream, but that turned out to be a dream. So that morning was so dang confusing.
(to no one in particular)
look at this cutie
[smiles so hard she dies from her fondness over him]
random things I want to write
FantastikThis is really just to fangirl on. It will most likely be about One Direction and Zayn. Maybe other things that I just want to write.(hence the title) Anyway... I'm just a cringey fangirl who is really weird, but that's okay. ت ت ت ت ت