Where Are You? (1/2)

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The sound of Pha's ringtone is what woke him up. "Damn it." he cursed hoarsely feeling the scratchiness in his throat. Beam felt a chill down into his bones despite wearing a vest, Forth's henley, and his sweats. Beam groaned at the sharp pain in his temple the moment he opened his eyes. He quickly shut them reaching out from the warmth of his covers to palm the other side of the bed for his blasted phone. It took him another moments before he found his phone. 

"Yes?" Beam answered sharply in greeting  making him wince as he brought his arm back under the covers.

"Where are you? We were supposed to have breakfast together ." Pha asked with a concerned tone, "Are you sick?"

"I'm fine,Pha. I just woke up. A little bit of water and I'll be good" Beam answered while reaching for the tepid bottle of water on his nightstand blindly. The truth is that he feels like utter shit with this migraine and the rest of his body aching all over. He just didn't feel up to getting up just yet for the pain killer. He knew he had a fever.

"Well, get up." Pha replied "We've already ate breakfast. Don't forget we have Auntie's lab work this morning."

"I'll see you at nine." Beam stated before hanging up. He slowly opened his eyes this time trying to let them adjust before looking at the phone to see that it was a quarter after seven. A disgusted expression taking over his face at how early his best friends wake up on their half days. Didn't they have better things to be doing? Like sleeping? Beam thought. Which is what he was planning to do after his dazed brain calculated the best time to set his alarm. Because the only way he was going to make it through the labs was a shower and some food from his favorite stall.

He was just about to fall asleep when his phone started ringing again. Beam sighed loudly before pulling out his phone to see that it was Forth calling him. "Morning babe." Forth greeted him making Beam smile despite the pain he felt.

"A much better wake up call." Beam chuckled his tone sounding scratchy "Why are you up so early."

"I'm guessing Pha has already called you." Forth laughed cheerfully "I have a hazer's meeting, and you don't sound too good. Did you take the medicine I brought you last night?"

"Yes," Beam fibbed his gaze landing on the still unopened bag of antibiotics on his desk. After the study session last night he'd just put on his pajamas then promptly passed out.  "I'll take some more later and we can have lunch together because this is my half day."

"Okay, I will meet you at SunRain?"

"See You then." Beam replied tiredly making Forth laugh again. The warm sound lulling him back to sleep. His last thoughts as his he fell asleep was that he wished that Forth was there with him. 

x x x

"What's wrong?" Bank asked seeing that Forth had checked his phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last thirty minutes.  He really shouldn't have to ask because the only thing that could make Forth this uneasy is Beam.  Especially, since Beam hadn't shown up at the cafe yet, and it's getting dangerously close to the start time for his afternoon class,

"He's not answering." Forth answered with a sigh setting his phone down on their table.

"He's probably in class." Bank tried to reassure his best friend which probably would have worked if Forth's phone hadn't started ringing. Forth checked his phone only to scowl when the caller id informed him that it was Pha instead of Beam.

"Is Beam with you?" Pha asked briskly the moment that Forth answered the phone.

"No, I thought he was with you in class." Forth answered frowning "I'm near his place. I'll go over there now."

"Okay, let me know." Pha replied before hanging up. Forth immediately stood up gathering up his things.

"I've gotta go." Forth explained "I'll text you later okay?"

"Sure thing man." Bank waved to Forth's retreating back.

x x x

Sorry, your call is being redirected to a voicemail box that is full.

Forth sighed while pulling into Beam's dorm parking lot. Since, the medical faculty has classes that start earlier than the other faculties it ensured that the lot is practically empty this time of day. This made spotting Beam's white suv easy. His frown deepened because that meant that Beam was more than likely in his room. He should have trusted his instinct earlier when he'd heard Beam's hoarse voice. To check on him instead of going to the hazer's meeting. Kongpob would have understood. Since, Kongpob has done it before for P'Arthit.

Forth parked his bike beside of Beam's vehicle and was almost to the entrance of the building when he remembered that Beam still hasn't given him a key to his dorm room. "Shit." Forth cursed rather loudly earning a rather unpleasant look from two girls walking past him. Not that he cared when it came to Beam. He ran back to Beam's vehicle using the exterior keypad to unlock it to grab Beam's spare key from the glove compartment. 

Forth shoved the key in his jacket pocket then quickly headed inside. It didn't take him long to get up to Beam's room. He graciously gives three knocks while calling Beam's name before using the key to get inside when he doesn't get a response.

"Beam?" Forth called walking into the room. The room still dim from the curtains not being opened. So he presses the button by the door for Beam's living room area lamp to come on. Glancing around he releases a sigh when he see's the unopened pharmacy bag on the desk. Forth moves more into the room seeing that Beam isn't in the mess of sheets on the bed. That's when he hears the sound of the shower running.

"Beam?" Forth called again opening the closed door the bathroom. That's where he finds Beam. His boyfriend is passed out on the bathroom floor still in his night clothes with the shower running.

"Beam!" Forth yelled as he rushed to his boyfriends side.

x x x

Author's note: Here is a quick one-shot rolled into two chapters. The next chapter will be up at the latest Friday! I've had this one on the back burner for a while. So here is this while I work on the latest chapter of You're My Destiny! :D I hope you all are doing well!

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