Chapter 1

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Everly's POV

        "Everly! Get your lazy ass up! I'm hungry!" my aunt's loud, obnoxious voice calls up the stairs. l let out a tired groan as I throw back the thin, itchy cover before hurrying to get dressed. I quickly pull on the faded brown dress that is folded on the chair in the corner. It is one of three outfits I own, all hand-me-downs from my Aunt Lutessa. She gets a monthly payment from the accounts that my parents left behind for me. The money is supposed to be used to buy me the things I need. However, she claims that it is only enough for the food and bills to keep our water and electric on and a roof over our heads. I know she's lying though. Every time she gets paid she comes home with bags of new clothes and jewelry for herself. I look at myself in the cracked mirror that is propped against the wall and let out a sigh before pulling my long, dark hair into a ponytail.

        I hurry down the steps and into the kitchen where I find my aunt sitting at the table on her cell phone. I'm not sure what she is doing, though I'm positive it's nothing important. From what I can tell, she is scrolling through one of her social media accounts. "It's about time you useless, ungrateful brat," she remarks as she spots me entering the room.

        "I'm sorry Aunt Tessa. I overslept," I murmur as I bow my head in submission. I try my best to not get on her bad side, or should I say worse side.

        "I don't want excuses you little slut! Just make me some god damn breakfast so I can get to work! Some of us actually need to make a living!"

        "Yes, ma'am. Sorry ma'am," I quickly respond as I begin pulling ingredients out of the refrigerator. I bring everything over to the stove as I begin to make her a ham and cheese omelet with tomato and spinach. My stomach growls and my mouth waters as I watch the food cook on the stovetop. I wish I could have some. My aunt only allows me to eat whatever is left on her plate, which isn't usually much. I do my best to sneak what I can, but I have to be careful. She once caught me eating some of her leftovers in the refrigerator and I got a beating. I had been sore and hardly able to move for days after that.

        I hate my life now. I use to have a great one. My parents were amazing and loving. They were always making me laugh and telling me how much they love me. They would comfort me and hug me whenever I was hurt or sad. We had been so close. Then, six years ago they were in a car accident that killed them both. I was suppose to be with them but had ended up staying with a friend that night instead. Now, every day I regret not being with them. I miss them. I miss my old life. I miss my big, beautiful home with the large garden out back where I would play. Back then I had friends, parents, I was happy.

        "Stop daydreaming you fat cow!" Aunt Tessa hollers, bringing me out of my thoughts. I move the omelet to a plate and bring it over to her before pouring her a cup of coffee with her creamer of choice and a dash of milk. I begin to walk away to begin the rest of my chores for the day when she stops me. "I have a guest coming over this evening. The house better be spotless. And while he's here you better not leave your room. Don't even make a sound," she orders as she points her finger threateningly in my face. I quickly nod my head before rushing off. She frequently has different men coming over and taking her out, they often come back and head to her bedroom. All the while, I'm pretending like I don't exist up in my so-called room, which is actually the small attic space above the living room.

        The rest of the day is spent cleaning as I dust, sweep, mop, do the dishes and laundry, clean the bathrooms and everything else. I don't need to give my aunt another reason for a beating. I'm just finishing up when I hear the doorbell. Jumping in surprise, I look at the front door, debating on if I should open or not. She typically doesn't want any of her 'guests' to know I'm here, but I'm sure she'll get mad at me if they leave because I didn't let them in. I stand there for a moment before letting out a sigh and going toward the door.

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