The One and Only Girl

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This is dedicated to my friend Kimberly. Hope you like it my friend :P This is an ongoing story for a bit of time, it's actually a short story...well I dont really know yet :) The Gazette is a rock band in Japan so check that out...enjoy!

Aoi POV:

“No wait!” I exclaimed as the bus passed me. I struggled to keep up but failed. I looked at the bus as it left happily to another street. “Jerk” I huffed as I kicked a rock on the floor. I looked at my surrounding. ‘Where was I?’ I took out a cigar and light it up. I didn’t want to think about too much as I was after all lost in this city. I inhaled some enjoyably. I looked at the clock on my wrist. It was pretty dark for it to be 6pm. Stupid daylight saving time. I started to walk towards where the bus had left just seconds ago. Maybe if I run towards it I might catch its next stop right? As I passed the corner I saw some school girls walking by giggling. A smirk grew on my face. I put my hoodie up just enough for I couldn’t get noticed.

“Did you see how she was dressing today? She looked like a total nobody” The girls laughed. I looked at them confused. That was really mean to say. I looked at their faces. Oh makes sense they are some sluts or just conceded little things right? I continued walking when I saw a girl by the bus stop.

“Yes I found it!” I accidently yelled out. I covered my mouth with both my hands. Oops….. I hid myself by a nearby bush when the girl looked up. I studied her. She was crying. It took a second for me to figure out that those girls were laughing at her. ‘Should I talk to her and risk getting noticed or should I leave their crying?’ I shrugged my shoulders and walked up to her. Her head was buried underneath her chest, her knees were crisscrossed and her hair was all over the place. I tapped her shoulder gently. She lifted her head up and looked at me.

“Hi” I smiled at her. She passed her fingers over her eyes swiping the tears away.

“Sorry, h-hi” She stuttered. She was now facing me as I was facing her. She was cute in some way, different than any of the girls I have seen.

‘What’s wrong?” I asked as if I didn’t know what was wrong. She bit her lip and exhaled hard. I sat down in the space she had next to her.

“It’s nothing, just something stupid that’s all” She whispered loud enough for me to hear. I gently began to move her hair away from her face. She didn’t seem to like it at all as she slapped my hand away.

“Oww!” I groaned. I jerked my hands away before she could do anything else.

“I am sorry but are you mental…drunk or something? Do not touch me!” She scolded me. I looked at her confused. So she doesn’t know who ‘The Gazette’ is after all…and better yet she thinks I’m a random drunk guy.

“A drunk guy at this time?” I chuckled. I met her eyes once more….the gaze she had on me looked ready to karate chop me at any time. I guess she isn’t in the mood for jokes. “I am not drunk I am just waiting for the bus to pass by”

“Hmm how do I know you are not drunk?” She asked curiously. I looked at her and felt my mouth drop wide open.

“Are you serious? Are you a police or something?” I informed her with a gasp. She lifted her eyebrows and tapped her feet. I finally gave in. “Okay smell my breath” I exhaled near her face and she flinched in the bench

“Okay you are not drunk! But you are stinky” She laughed. I chuckled at her remark.

“Told you I am not drunk” I muttered.

“I am sorry but just to make sure you know….we are alone” She expanded her arms showing me the lonely street we were in. I nodded.

“Well true but still aren’t you supposed to be at home or something?” I said as I met her brown eyes. She tilted her head.

“And aren’t you supposed to be with your band mates or something?” I widened my eyes and gasped

“So you know who I am and you’re not….fan girling?” I asked desperately to hear her answer. She started to laugh. I was in total shock…this is the first time someone has kept so calm being around me in years.

“What is there to go into that mode? You are a normal guy, you should be treated like one”

“Well now I know why you called me mental and drunk” I joked. To my surprise she actually laughed this time at my joke.

“Well it’s my way of saying do not touch me” She finally said and looked down. I observed her.

“Well my name is Aoi, may I know yours?” I extended my hand to her. She looked up.

“My names Kimberly” She smiled as she shaked my hand.

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