Chapter 1

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Victoriana watched as another child got adopted, hoping that was never her. All those sickly sweet parents wanting the perfect sickly sweet child, she felt as if she was the only one with a bitter side. Like every night she was in the basement, working out. She may be only 8 but she had to keep it up. She had to protect all of the girls from the older boys, and of course she had to protect herself. They called her Vic, because she acted more like a boy than a girl, though you could tell from her body what she was. She took after her mother, with a very advanced body, evidence of a shapes that would soon turn into perfect curves and attract lots of men was what Alison the foster care provider always told her. Alison knew very well what could happen, and was very strict to keep everyone safe but Victoriana was her secret to keeping things in top shape.

"Vic, their gone. You can come up if you want." Gregory walked down the stairs slowly, keeping his distance from her. He knew better than to go near her after someone had been adopted. She continued working out, paying no attention to him. She was strong for her age, and she hoped her strength would increase with every year.

"I'll be up in a few. Where is everyone?" She couldn't hear any tvs going, and she couldn't smell any food.

"Alison took them out to eat, she's attempting to cheer them up. Mind if I work out with you?" She stopped her work out, walked up the stairs to the door, shut it, and locked it up before answering.

"I don't care. But I'm taking my shirt off. Don't get your panties in a twist, I have a sports bra on. I just can't take the heat. Alison refused to buy me the cloths I wanted, so I'm stuck wearing last years winter cloths." Gregory laughed and took his shirt off, starting with push ups and sit ups to work his core.

"Why don't you just wear the cloths she buys you? Sure they're pink and purple, but they fit and they aren't hot or tight." She rolled her eyes and started working on the pull up bar. The music she had playing in the back ground was just enough to calm her nerves. She was always jumpy, needing to move. Most of all she needed the violence. There was something about taking everything out on a punching bag that just felt so right.

"Those shirts and skirts aren't fight capable. You can't kick or move in the skirts, and I would feel bad if I got blood on the shirt. I will only dress up on special occasions, and even then it will be in red and black. Fuck!" She dropped to the floor, running and grabbing ear muffs and slapping them on Gregory in three seconds flat, right as a fighter plane flew over both them, shaking the entire house and bringing a roar of thunder with it. Only after it had passed did she remove the ear muffs.

"How the hell do you do that Vic? and why aren't you deaf yet?" Victoriana just smiled. She could hear everything. She'd always been able to, and no matter how loud it got, she could just tune it out. She didn't have to listen to everything, she picked and chose.

"I just can. Wanna get some grub?" He nodded and they put their shirts on, heading up the stairs. She unlocked it and slipped the key onto the chain around her neck. Not even Alison had a key to the basement. She made sure to lock it before leaving. It kept the older boys from finding equipment as weapons, and the smaller ones from getting hurt.

"I'll cook us up some pasta." Gregory smiled. Victoriana's cooking was historical. She never cooked for more than one person, most of the time it was herself. She also never told a soul how she was so smart. At the age of six she was already scheduled to be home schooled because schools just couldn't teach at her speed.

"Well, what did you choose when you went shopping? I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad." She shook her head. If the whole house didn't know what kind of cloths she liked they would never learn. She took out all the ingrediants, using a small step stool to reach everything.

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