Chapter 1

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Its been awhile since I've written so enjoy.

Ciara's POV

This morning I woke up to a completely empty house. Now I'm an only child and my parents always work so its normal but something about today just didn't feel right. I went to my computer and checked my Tumblr. Nothing interesting just the usually fanart of the morning.

I went downstairs and got some breakfast when suddenly I got a call. I picked it up and it turned out to be my friend Rose. We talked and decided that she should come over since I was being kind of a loner.

Before she arrived I took a quick shower so I smelled at least a little decent. As I was getting in a hit on my music player and just rocked out in the shower almost falling a couple times from jamming too hard. I was just about finished when I heard my front door open and Rose call out "Honey I'm home" with an extremely sarcastic tone as usual.

I got out and got dressed in my usual attire of my gray hoodie my skinny jeans and any random shirt I could find.

I went back downstairs and greeted Rose with a hug and she returned it tightly to where I was pushing her away for air. "Hey have you seen my glasses by any chance?" I ask hoping that she's seen them. "Yah there on your kitchen counter dumbass." She replied in her usual tone. "Thanks loser." I say as sarcastic as possible.

I went and grabbed my glasses off the counter and went to my computer. Nothing interesting happened except for the fact that me and rose basically played Minecraft all day and I mean 8am to 10pm like ALL day.

We decided that tomorrow we'd go explore the forest behind my house though we thought we weren't gonna stay as long as we did.


Walking around in a giant forest might sound dangerous to some people but to me it's extremely comforting and it's my escape. We blasted krewella from my phone and walked around talking about nothing in particular. It was about 10:30 in the morning and we were getting close to the heart of the forest. I got a sudden chill down my spine and Rose said what we were both thinking "Someone's watching us or it at least feels like it." 

After that I saw her face grow pale and I fel tsomething on my shoulder. I turned around to suddenly be facing someone whom I thought was a myth.

"Y-you're Slenderman. W-what do you want from us." I said shakily though i could feel my senses kicking in again. I glanced over to see Rose look like she was on the verge of passing out. 

"I was interested in asking why you're in my forest young lady?" Slender said very coldly.

"We were just tryig to escape everyday drama and we love the forest scene in general," I said with more anger rather than fear. This ws getting obnoxious now and I really just wanted to go home. 

"Watch that tone or I'll personally feed you to Smile."

I took a step back and ran over to Rose who now looked like she could commit genocide(mass murder). 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I swear if you weren't immortal I'd slit your throat asshole!" Rose's sudden rage seemed to catch Slender off guard a little though he imediately bounced back.

"Now, now little girl better watch that temper or Jeff will hear and he doesn't have much self control for people lke you," Slender said smugly.


"Rose shut the fuck up. I understand you want a death wish but I dont so please SHUT UP!" I snapp at her. 

"I'm sorry CiCi," Rose said in almost a whisper.

I walked straight over to Slender. "I don'y know why, or what you wnat from us but let us leave unharmed if you will."

I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave now that you know of our existence," he said slyly as he wrapped one of his tendrils around my waist lifting me up and carrying me somewhere of which I did not know but was deeper into the forest.

We ended up at a house where he finally let go and I saw that Jeff had dragged Rose here. I just had a thought though that luckily I didn't have to worry about my parents because they were curently on a three month vacation in europe so they wont be home to care. 

We got inside the house or should I say mansion. Me and Rose jsut stood there awkwardly at first but then walked into the closest room to our left which turned out to be a living area where, I assume thats BEN, was playing video games. 

"And who the fuck are you two?" BEN said without looking away from his game.

"I'm Ivory and this is Rose and I  wish I could strangle you right now."

"Why don't you?" he said right before I blacked out. 

- - - - - - -

I woke up in a black room and extremely comfortable bed. Somehow I knew I wasn't alone. 

"How'd you sleep?" a slightly comforting voice asked

"Like a rock," I said sarcastically. My eyes were finally adjustng to the dark and I could see who the voice belonged to. It was Slender whichin all honesty wasn't surprising. I was just alarmed that he made it sound like he cared.

A/N Hey I'm rewriting my creepypasta AGAIN I know I'm horrible have a good holiday though and bye.

- Ciara

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