The Wolf

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They warned her several times about the monstrous creatures who dwelled the other side of the tree line. Never leave the safety of the family, they told her. One bite, that was all it took. The horrifying change would overcome her and transform her into one of those massive, no-hearted vial creatures.

Now, after curiosity forced her to peek through to the other side, she limped home. Hoping all her parents warned her about was a lie. A ploy to keep the young ones away from the tree line. Could she go home and tell them their lies didn’t work? She’d hoped so. But, half was true. They did injure her.

They had been right. Viscous creatures with no sense of compassion lived beyond the wall of trees. Bitten she was.

She lost hope like she lost blood.

The wound burned with each step. The pain travelled upwards, changing her as it went. Her blood boiled as her heart raced faster.

Could she hide it? Return to the family and continue living a normal life even though she had been marked. Or would they shun her for being different, knowing she will turn into one of those monsters during the moons phases. Maybe they might be able to help. Could removing her limb remove the curse that was now surly upon her?

Moving closer to home, her parents knew something was up. They raced towards her with concern. The smell of her blood, thick in the air.

She stopped, realising the risk. Why didn’t she think of it before? She was no longer safe to be near. What if the change took her now and she attacked them? She wouldn’t be able to stop herself or live with the consequences after.

“No, stay away from me.”

They stopped. The night air seemed more still as she showed them the problem from a distance.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t listen. So sorry.”

They didn’t say a word. In shock, she presumed. Say something please. Tell me everything is going to be alright. She wanted to plead. Their stillness gave her the answer.

“I’ve been bitten. Eventually I’ll change into a werewolf. I can’t stay here.”

Her parents backed away. Before long, they turned their back. Leaving her to stand alone in the forest.

That was it. She wasn’t welcome at home even if she wanted to return. Her journey would be lonely and terrifying. But she must leave, for the safety of her kind.

One thing she was sure or. She wasn’t going to enjoy the transformation into a human.

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