I Love You

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Two little pink lines can change your life. I should know. Five minutes ago, I sat in the bathroom crying over those lines and how they meant that my stomach would grow with a tiny little life and be living proof of the best night of my life. It's funny how the simplest things cease to matter. Nothing is important when you're standing on the precipice of something so chaotic and wrong, yet beautiful in its own light. My life was about to end, while another life grew inside me. I hated that I had to keep my relationship with him a secret--though they would know the moment my child was born that I had broken the most sacred law among our people. But I didn't care. I loved Adrian, and I didn't want to hide how I felt any longer. He was my first love, and I sincerely believed he would be my only love. And he was a vampire. When I first met them, the idea of being pregnant with one of them would have made my stomach churn in disgust, but over time I'd grown to adore the vampires. Jill and her nervous rambling... Eddie, too serious but very devoted to protecting those he cared about... Even Angeline had things about her I was beginning to love. They were my true family. They didn't judge me by what I had growing inside me--hell, they supported it. I didn't know how to tell Adrian, though, because I wasn't sure how he would feel about it. I loved him, and I was pretty sure he loved me too, I just didn't want to push our blossoming relationship too hard. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to create a family with him, and I hoped and prayed he would want the same. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. He had made me feel better about myself and he'd told me how beautiful I was--even when I was sure he was lying, he said it because he really believed I was beautiful. And because he believed it, I was starting to believe it as well. I sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. Still clutching the pregnancy test in my hands, I slowly stepped forward and finally stopped when I reached the couch and I sat down next to him.

"Adrian?" I said quietly. He leaned over and brushed his lips against mine with a smile.

"Yes, love?" He whispered against my ear. I bit my lip to keep from moaning as his hand trailed down my side gently so that it cupped my hip.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted.

He jerked back and I saw his eyes widen. "Are you sure?"

I hid my face and showed him the pregnancy test. "See for yourself."

He set the test on the coffee table and pulled my hands from my face. "Sydney, this is amazing news!" He was grinning and I couldn't help a small smile.

"So...you're not angry?" I whispered timidly.

He sighed. "Of course I'm not angry, Sage. I love you. This is the best news I've ever heard!" He stood up and pulled me up with him and we grinned stupidly together. We jumped around laughing and squealing like idiots, but I didn't care. I loved how happy Adrian looked as he took me into his arms and kissed my lips gently.

When we finished celebrating, I held Adrian's hand in my right hand, and put my left onto my stomach and smiled at both of them.

"I love you."

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