
16 1 0

Word Count: 553

Warnings: Sad vibes, Patton

If I missed anything, warn me

Yes I'm doing another Roman angst, I'm sorry if it's short—

Anyways, hope you all have good days♡


"Yeah, I... Wasn't able to do it on time."

"... I'm disappointed in you." Roman looked at him, a bit thrown back. Patton, of all people, said he was disappointed at him. What was happening? "Not as your dad, nor as Morality, but as your friend. I'm very disappointed in you, Ro."

Roman knew he wasn't able to do anything, but he had hope that it was just his low self-esteem talking that he wasn't.

"... alright, Patton."

He couldn't bring himself to be mad at Patton, even if he was a little dry in the reply. He knew that Morality was right about that. He knew he couldn't do anything right. But why did the truth hurt so much?

Maybe because he was bad in one of the only opinions he cared about. Virgil was always looking down at him, but he did that to anyone, including himself. Logan didn't care most of the time, neither did Deceit. Remus' opinion most of the time didn't count.

But Patton... Patton was always looking up to him, and encouraging him, and always being nice, while he kept the facade of confidence and, at least, a bit of capacity.

But he couldn't even keep that for the one that loved him the most, if not the only one that loved him. He couldn't keep Patton away from his own incompetence, and that is what happened.

After a while, Roman couldn't stand to be in the same room as the light blue side and went to his room. Patton didn't even notice.

His own piece of himself, where he felt most comfortable with, and that had seen more things that anyone has ever.

He couldn't get rid of the weird feeling that closed his throat and made him want to be alone, but at the same time wanting to hug something. That made him want to cry and take it all out, but wouldn't let him.

Was this his punishment for being a bad side? Was this a payback from Patton? Either way, he knew that he deserved to feel like this.

He didn't dare to open his drawer. He'd see Patton's gift from Christmas, and it'd make him feel more guilty.

He stood there for what seemed to be an eternity, feeding his guilt in every passing second. Feeling the wind in his hair and shivering, while the heaviness on his chest continued.

He knew he was supposed to see the others soon, but he didn't want to move. He wondered if anyone would care if he stayed in his room and didn't come back, but his own anxiety didn't let him test that, and he couldn't bring himself to stay there either.

In the end, he went back to where he was. 'It's not like it could get worse, anyway', he thought.

Then, they started interacting. It was inevitable, of course, but he didn't expect Patton to act as nothing had happened. He talked as he didn't say that to Roman, and as if he didn't see the anger and guilt that Roman felt about himself.

The realization hit him, Patton didn't care for him anymore. He didn't care if he did good or bad, now he was only treating Roman as he treated anyone else.

And that hurt more than anything Patton could say.

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