Story so far..Chapters 1 - 25

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After decades of research he met with success.

Brian was excited, beyond excited. He was able to track down the last known descendant of Audumla.


Brian, still on his academic high from finding the last descendant of Audumla, is now thinking of becoming a modern day Indiana Jones.

These thoughts come from him finding the spot where the world tree, Yggdrasil, touches this world.

Brian rests under the branches, pondering.


As Brian slept under the World Tree a branch fell & hit his head. He woke to find himself in front of an ancient ruin, greeted by a grey haired man with one eye.

"We must speak." Said one eye

"Am I dead?" Stammered Brian

"If you died like that you would not stand in Valhalla."


Odin walked with Brian "You are not the only one to finally be enlightened and honored to see the godly realms. Others have seen and been to these places."

"Others?" Brian stammers.

"Yes, others. They have seen tablets, discs, mountains, bushes on fire, speaking animals."

Odin continued "We cannot control who sees these places & things, not all are as scholarly as you."

"Why me?"

"You have a way of finding things. Something dangerous was stolen from us. I believe you can find it."

Odin looks at Brian "You must find the Mask of Loki"


Brian stopped "Loki's mask? But..I mean. Why me? I am not even Scandinavian!"

Odin laughed "Do you have any idea how far reaching my children wandered? Almost everyone in your realm has some Norse in them in some way." He waved a hand and now they stood by a chair.

"From here I see everything and Hugnin and Muninn assist. I have watched and seen of all the people of Midgard you would not be tempted to use the mask for ill."

Odin pointed out and Brian saw spheres hanging in the air.

Odin continued "your help is needed to save the realms"


"The realms? That is a real thing?" Replied Brian.

Odin nodded & continued "Loki's mask is powerful but even in a God's hand it has limits. We are bound by our destinies." He looked around nervously "We must continue elsewhere." He snapped his fingers and they were, elsewhere.

They were now outside near a ruin.

"Brian you must do this. The mask in human hands & your boundless imagination can destroy not only my people's realms but all the realms.

Another will lead you back where you sleep." He motions to a flicker of torch light. "They await you."


Brian followed the robed torch bearer, turning once to look at Odin. He was gone. Each step the took stretched miles! STEP, a cliff edge. STEP, a jungle. STEP, a tree where they picked up his body. That is when naseua started. Many steps more before Brian spoke

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