Run In With A Robot

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(In this story Jenny is going to be more human being 5'8 and 200 pounds you know being a robot and stuff)

It's finally summer and school is over. Unlike the last summer I actually wanna get out the house and hangout with friends. I was on the way home and I put in my ear buds and started scrolling through my phone to find something to listen to. I finally found something but then I felt myself run into something metal. I thought I just walked face first into a light pole but I looked in front of me and saw a blue and white female robot. I then quickly stood up and apologized.

You: I'm sorry miss.

I offered my hand to help her up and she looked at me weird.

You: Is everything ok?

???: Yeah it's just, not a lot of people call me miss.

She took my hand and I pulled her up.

You: I'm sorry, I should've been paying attention.

???: It's alright, I should've been the one paying attention.

You: So are you a robot or something?

???: Yes I am. I'm an XJ-9, you can call me Jenny.

You: I'm Y/N

Jenny: That's a nice name, may I ask what you're doing?

You: I was just going home to wait and see if some friends wanted to hang out.

Jenny: Well I'm heading downtown, you wanna come? I'd enjoy the company.

You: Sure I don't see why not.

Jenny: Great, I just need to let my mom know. I'll be right back.

You: I'll be here.

Jenny than ran off and returned 10 minutes later.

Jenny: Ok you ready to go?

You: Yeah, you?

Jenny: Yep.

Me and Jenny then proceeded to walk downtown but was stopped by

???: Jenny what are you doing with this guy?

Jenny: We're going downtown.

???: And you didn't tell me?

Jenny: Sheldon, we aren't together anymore. You don't need to know everything I'm doing.

Sheldon: But what if this guys trys something to you?

You: What could I try to a robot, she'd beat my ass.

Sheldon: I'll beat your ass if I catch you with her again.

You: Whoa chill out, she can hang with whoever she wants.

Sheldon then gets up in my face.

Sheldon: Who are you to speak for her?

You: I can say the same to you. Now get the fuck out of my face.

Sheldon: Or what?

You: I'll knock so much of your teeth people will mistake you for a redneck.

Sheldon: You're just talk.

Sheldon pushes me back and grabs Jenny by the hand and begins to drag her away.

You: You leave her alone.

Sheldon: Oh you're asking for it now.

He begins to walk towards me most likely to hit me so I do what my instincts tell me to. I sprint toward him and wrap my arms around his waist, picking him up and slaming his back onto the ground. He tries to throw a punch but I grab his fist and reel mine back, swinging it forward, making a clean connection with his nose. There was a slight popping sound and his right fist connects with my jaw, and upon doing so he pushes me off him.

Sheldon: You mother fucker!

He threw numerous punches at me and only managed to make a few connect. I can tell that with each swing he missed he got more and more angry.

You: I've had enough.

I catch his left fist and twist it until a loud crack was heard. Sheldon stumbles back and screams in pain.

You: Leave. Now.

Sheldon then nods and turns around to walk away with tears forming in his eyes.

Jenny: You didn't have to hurt him that bad you know, nie at all, I could've handled it.

You: I ain't gonna let anyone treat a woman like that, now let's go before he gets anymore funny ideas.

I grab Jenny's hand and we walk off.

Jenny: You know he's probably gonna try and get back at you right?

You: I'm expecting it, but I'll be ready.

My Life As A Teenage Robot (XJ-9 "Jenny Wakeman" X Male Reader) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now