04. September 1st

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The first of September dawned beneath a sky laden with thick, brooding clouds

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The first of September dawned beneath a sky laden with thick, brooding clouds. The Hogwarts Express chugged resolutely through the dreary morning, its plumes of steam swirling upwards into the slate-grey sky like ghostly tendrils unfurling in slow, melancholy swirls.

Inside a nearly empty compartment, Fiona Diggory huddled into her robes, silently lamenting her choice to wear the summer cloak. Across from her, Cedric moved quietly, the floorboards creaking softly beneath his weight as he heaved their trunks up into the overhead rack. She listened as they landed with a reassuring thud, followed by the soft metallic click of Cedric securing them. The steady hum of the train vibrated faintly through the walls of the compartment, its low, rhythmic murmur a comforting backdrop to the silence.

The compartment door slid open with its familiar squeak, and Heidi Macavoy stepped in, her voice carrying a note of relief, though it was muted—lacking its usual effervescence. "Oi, Malcolm, I found them," she called over her shoulder, managing a tentative smile. But even that fleeting expression couldn't quite reach her eyes. The usual brightness behind Heidi's blue gaze was shadowed, as if the lingering memories of the World Cup hung about her like an invisible shroud she couldn't quite shake off.

Cedric glanced up and greeted her with a warm smile as Heidi entered, cradling an enormous black cat who looked distinctly unimpressed by the attention.

"Look who I found wandering the train," Heidi said softly, her voice missing its usual lilt as she gave Nox an apologetic squeeze. The cat responded with an indignant yowl, his sleek fur standing on end.

"Careful, Heidi—Nox holds grudges," Fiona remarked dryly, a flicker of amusement lighting her features. Heidi loosened her hold, and Nox, with all the haughty dignity only a cat can muster, leapt from her arms and settled himself on Fiona's lap with impeccable grace. He began to purr, a low, self-satisfied hum, as if fully in agreement with Fiona's assessment.

A moment later Malcolm stumbled in, making a far noisier entrance. He flopped onto the seat beside Cedric with a dramatic sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as if trying to work out a stubborn kink. "Finally," he groaned, leaning back into the cushions. "We've been all over the ruddy train looking for you."

For a few moments, the gentle hum of the train and the soft, contented purring of Nox were the only sounds in the compartment, the steady rhythm serving as a backdrop to the subdued atmosphere. Then came a light, tentative knock at the door.

"Hello!" chirped Patricia Stimpson, her head appearing around the edge of the doorframe. The Hufflepuff prefect stepped inside, beaming brightly as usual, though her cheery voice seemed slightly at odds with the lingering gloom that hung about the compartment like an unwelcome fog.

Before anyone could respond, the faint shuffling of footsteps and a rustle of fabric announced yet another visitor. "Er—excuse me, Patricia," came a familiar voice from behind her. Alfie Summers sidled awkwardly into the compartment, shoulders hunched as if trying to hide behind his own cloak. He was clutching it tightly around himself, the garment hanging lopsidedly as though he were trying to conceal something underneath.

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